What is the Summer Solstice: A Witch’s Celebration

The Summer Solstice, known as Litha, marks the longest day and shortest night of the year. Here’s everything you need to know!

Hello Coven, Emma here! Today is the Summer Solstice, and I  wanted to answer some of the most commonly asked questions about the solstice. If you wish to learn more about the Witches Wheel of Year, check out AJs post which goes in depth. 

The special thing about this year’s Solstice is that it happens around a Full Moon in Sagittarius, when the moon is at 100% visibility on the 21st June 2024 . Check out my post on how to make Moon Water and 20 Versatile Ways to use Moon Water if you wish to superpower your moon water rituals over this period – make sure to share your results on social media, as we love to see your spell work!

Solstice Dawn” by tarotastic is licensed under CC BY 2.0.

Understanding the Summer Solstice

The Summer Solstice, also known as Litha or Midsummer, is a momentous event in the wheel of the year (see link above), marking the longest day and the shortest night. Occurring between June 20th and 22nd, it is a time when the sun is at its zenith, directly over the Tropic of Cancer. This astronomical phenomenon has been celebrated for millennia, symbolising the peak of light, abundance, and the powerful energy of the sun. 

The Solstice in UK History

In the UK, the Summer Solstice holds a significant place in history and culture. Ancient monuments like Stonehenge and Avebury align perfectly with the solstices, suggesting their importance to our ancestors. These stone circles were likely used for ceremonial and astronomical purposes, celebrating the sun’s life-giving energy. I’ve yet to see them myself but I am certainly planning a visit soon. Some witches and Pagans go and visit these monuments during the Solstice as part of their worship. 

Historically, the Summer Solstice was a time for community gatherings, feasting, and merriment. Bonfires were lit to honour the sun and its power. These fires were believed to protect against evil spirits and ensure a bountiful harvest. The solstice was also a time for lovers, with midsummer’s eve considered auspicious for romance and marriage. Oh er! 

Stonehenge Heart” by Jose and Roxanne is licensed under CC BY 2.0.

The Summer Solstice in Witchcraft Practices

For witches, the Summer Solstice is a powerful sabbat that celebrates the sun at its peak and the life force it embodies. It is a time to honour the Earth’s abundance, embrace the light within ourselves, and prepare for the waning year ahead. Litha rituals and celebrations often incorporate themes of light, growth, and the balance between fire and water.

I like to use it as a period to take stock of the start of the year, make adjustments or have celebrations for my areas of growth  and use it as a time to plan my next steps and make adjustments. 

How Witches Celebrate the Summer Solstice

Rituals and Ceremonies

  1. Sunrise Rituals: Begin your solstice celebration by greeting the sunrise. Find a quiet, natural spot to witness the dawn. As the sun rises, meditate on its light, warmth, and energy, feeling it infuse your spirit. No garden or park? No worries, you can do this by a window or anywhere you can get natural light. I do this daily in my bathroom as it’s always facing the sun as I get ready in the morning. 
  2. Creating an Altar: Now not all witches need Altars but if you are that way inclined decorate your altar with symbols of the sun and summer. Use candles, sunflowers, seashells, and crystals like citrine and amber. Incorporate fresh herbs such as St. John’s Wort, chamomile, and lavender. Add representations of the elements – a bowl of water, a feather, a stone, and a candle. Have fun foraging and remember to be respectful! 
  3. Bonfire Magic: Light a bonfire or a simple candle to honour the sun. Write down intentions or things you wish to release on small pieces of paper and burn them in the fire, symbolising transformation and purification. Make sure to practise fire safety etc. 
  4. Herbal Offerings: Collect herbs and flowers associated with the solstice. Create small bundles or wreaths to offer to the earth or hang in your home for protection and prosperity.
  5. Water Rituals: Balance the fire of the solstice with water. Visit a natural body of water – a river, lake, or ocean – and immerse yourself, symbolising cleansing and renewal. If you cannot visit a natural source, a ritual bath with added herbs and essential oils can be equally powerful.
  6. Feasting and Community: Gather with friends or fellow witches for a solstice feast. Prepare dishes using fresh, seasonal produce. Share stories, songs, and dances around the bonfire, celebrating the community and the abundance of the season. Why not use some magickal stocks in your recipes

Spring Valley Nature Walk 4” by H. Michael Miley is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0.

Ways to Celebrate the Solstice

  1. Nature Walks: Spend time in nature, appreciating the peak of summer. Collect natural items like stones, feathers, and flowers to use in your rituals or as offerings. I’ll sharing some of mine over on Tiktok if you wish to join me
  2. Crafting Talismans: Create talismans or amulets from natural materials. Infuse them with your intentions for protection, prosperity, or love. I love making poppets out of field grass. 
  3. Meditation and Reflection: Reflect on the year so far and set goals for the remaining months. Meditate on the balance between light and dark, growth and decline.
  4. Gardening: Engage with the earth by tending to your garden. Plant new seeds, nurture existing plants, and harvest herbs for your magical practices.
  5. Reading and Learning: Use this time to expand your knowledge of solstice traditions and witchcraft practices. Read books, attend workshops, or join online communities to share insights and experiences.

Are you celebrating Litha or the Summer Solstice? If so let us know below and via our social channels as we love to share with the wider witch community. 

Have the BEST Solstice, until next time, darlings! 

Ems xX

@Bunnypudding (Tiktok) / @Bunnyscopes (Instagram)

Profile picture source: “Fremont Summer Solstice Parade 2010” by .curt. is licensed under CC BY 2.0.

20 Versatile Ways to Harness the Power of Moon Water in Your Spiritual Practice

20 fabulous ways that you use Moonwater to super charge your witchcraft and spiritual practice.

I simply adore making Moon water, and like many witches it was one of the first rituals I started performing as a practicing witch. What I love about Moon water is that it is so versatile. When I started making this list I didn’t expect it to end up as long as it did and I fully expect to make a part two to this as I continue down this spiritual road and we share ideas. 

Here’s a list of ways you can use Moon water:

Cleansing and Purification: Use Moon water to cleanse and purify yourself, objects, or spaces of negative energy. Sprinkle or spray it around your home or sacred space. It makes the perfect ingredient to a room spray. 

Bathing and Showering: Make washing even more magickal by adding moon water to your bath or mixing it with your shower gel to help you cleanse and refresh your energy.

Altar Offerings: Use as an offering on altars, particularly those dedicated to lunar deities or during lunar rituals – if that is your practice. 

Charging Crystals and Gemstones: Place crystals and gemstones in a bowl of moon water under the moonlight to cleanse and charge their energy. Make sure to check that the Crystals are safe to use in water. 

Anointing: Use moon water to anoint candles, tools, or yourself during rituals or spells for added lunar energy. 

Drinking: Make sure that the water is safe to drink first but the consumption of moon water is believed to promote intuition, psychic abilities, and spiritual insight. 

Archimedes’ Muse” by gideon_wright is licensed under CC BY 2.0.

Dreamwork: Drink a small amount of moon water before sleep to enhance dream recall and promote lucid and intuitive dreaming.

Plant Care: I love to water my plants with moon water when I am manifesting something as it helps me focus and I can see something develop from my attention to it. You can also water your plants with moon water to promote growth and vitality, especially during the full moon. Good plant parenting right there.

Divination: This will certainly need to be a larger article but one way you can use moon water as a scrying tool is by placing it in a black bowl or mirror to enhance your divination practices. It’s also really useful to sprinkle around any areas where you perform readings and want to do a quick space cleanse. 

Magical Ink: This is something I’m exploring more at the minute so I will report on all my findings soon but you can use moon water as a base for creating magical inks or writing spells, intentions, or sigils. Fabulous, right? 

Ritual Baths: Take a ritual bath with moon water to align your energy with the moon’s cycles and intentions…or just take a witchy bath whenever, we advocate for romantising your life here. 

Making Moon Tea: Who doesn’t love a good cuppa? Mind you, I would say that as a Brit. Use Moon water to brew herbal teas to infuse them with lunar energy.

Energy Cleansing Tools: Soak crystals, pendulums, or other divination tools in moon water to cleanse and reset their energy.

Empowering Jewellery: Empower your jewellery, such as rings, necklaces, or amulets, by soaking them in moon water.Also great for cleansing proactive jewerllery – or in general.

Enhancing Spells: Add moon water to spell jars, potions, or spellwork to enhance their potency and connection to lunar energies.

Charging Tarot or Oracle Decks: Place your tarot or oracle cards in moonlight while resting on a dish of moon water to cleanse and charge them.

20 fabulous ways that you can use your Moon water to supercharge your witchcraft and spiritual practice.

Herbal Witch Hazel” by thedabblist is licensed under CC BY 2.0.

Spiritual Bath Salts: Mix moon water with Epsom salts and essential oils for a luxurious and spiritually cleansing bath.

Emotional Healing: Use moon water in emotional healing rituals or practices, as it is believed to provide emotional balance and support – maybe use in a oil burner when performing shadow work.

Manifestation: Super charge your manifestations by choosing the perfect Moon phase for your goals. Write your intentions or desires on a piece of paper, soak it in moon water, and let it dry in the moonlight.

Offerings to Deities: Check in and use moon water as an offering to deities during rituals and prayers. 

Phew, I will leave it 20 for now but let us know how you use Moon water below in our comments or via our social media. 

Remember that the specific use of moon water may vary depending on your personal beliefs and spiritual practices. 

Always use moon water with respect for its symbolic and energetic properties. Make sure that you collect moon water safely, using only clean containers and following hygiene guidelines if you plan to ingest it.

Moon in Winter” by moonjazz is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0.

Remaining New Moon and Full Phases for 2023 [UK] : 

Also features the Celtic and Native American traditional moon phase names

15th September 2023

  • New Moon – ‘New Singing Moon’, ‘New Wine Moon’ or ‘New Full Corn Moon’ in Virgo

29th September 2023 

  • Full Moon – ”New Singing Moon’ , ‘New Wine Moon’ or ‘New Full Corn Moon’’ in Aires

14th October 2023

  • New Moon – ‘Seedfall Moon’, ‘Harvest Moon ‘ or ‘New Hunter’s Moon’ in Libra

28th October 2023 

  • Full Moon – ‘Seedfall Moon’, ‘Harvest Moon ‘ or ‘Full Hunter’s Moon’ in Taurus

13th November 2023 

  • New Moon – ‘Dark or Oak Moon’ or ‘New Beaver Moon’ in Scorpio

27th November 2023

  • Full Moon – ‘Dark or Oak Moon’ or ‘New Beaver Moon’ in Gemini

12th December 2023 

  • New Moon – ‘Wolf Moon’ or ‘New Cold Moon’ in Saggittarius

27th December 2023

  • Full Moon – ‘Wolf Moon’ or ‘New Cold Moon’ in Cancer

Pssst – Why not check our ‘How to Make Moon Water’ article? It has some extra ideas on how you can utilise your moon water

How do you use your Moon Water? We’d love to hear how you use Moon Water in your practice below in the comments or on our socials. As always please let us know your recommendations or questions for future topics around witchcraft. 

Enquiries? We’ve created this magick little contact form here for enquires and questions.

Until Next time, 

Love, Emma 

@Bunnypudding (Tiktok) / @Bunnyscopes (Instagram)

Profile Image Souce: Reflection of a wine glass and water bottle. Card to Emmanuel, whose birthday it was.” by Ross Dunn is licensed under

How to make Moon Water 

UK Tarot Reader and Witch Emma teaches us about the enchanting world of Moon water and the ways it supercharges your witchcraft.

The New Moon is in Virgo on the 15th September so I thought it would be timely to learn more about the enchanting world of Moon water and the ways it supercharges your witchcraft. Whether you’re a seasoned witch or just dipping your toes into the magical waters, harnessing the power of the Moon and its cycles can add a celestial touch to your craft. Plus….it’s really bloody fun. Who doesn’t like making a lil ceremony out of things, huh? 

Today, we’re gonna dive into the process of making Moon water during the new Moon and explore the ways you can use this elixir in your spells and rituals.

Making Moon Water: 

How to make Moon water from your very own home is simple, just follow the below instructions. 

What you will need to make moon water:

  • A clean glass or crystal container – preferably with a lid
  • Pure, clean water – spring or filtered works best and tap is fine
  • A quiet, sacred space under the night sky – if you don’t have access to any outdoor space then a shelf or window sill works. 
  • Patience and intent – Make sure you know what your New Moon intentions are before you begin the Moon Water process. 

A witch holding a glass of wine” by freestocks.org is marked with CC0 1.0.

How to make Moon Water: 

Now you have everything that you need please follow these next steps to make your New Moon Water. 

  • Choose Your Moon Water  Container: Select a clear, glass or crystal container for your Moon water. The container should be clean and free from any contaminants especially if you plan to drink the water. If you can only get clear plastic etc that is fine. 
  • Setting the Stage: Find a quiet, sacred space outdoors where you can place your container. The new Moon phase is the ideal time to connect with the Moon’s energy, as it represents new beginnings and fresh intentions.If you don’t have access to outside space then you can store your Moon water on a shelf or window sill so it can bask in the Moonlight.
  • Fill Your Container: Pour your chosen water into the container and make sure that it is sealed tight so no little nasties get in there! [Optional] You can also add herbs and other ingredients to help flavour the water and/or build the intent.
  • Select Your Crystal [optional]: Placing a crystal by your water can infuse it with additional energy. Quartz crystals are versatile and work well for most intentions, but you can choose one that resonates with your specific goal. PLEASE NOTE: Putting crystals in the water is risky so please don’t do this or check with an expert before you do if you plan to consume the water.
  • Set Your Intentions: As you place your container in the Moonlight, focus on your intentions for this Moon water. What do you want to manifest in your life? Visualise this goal and set the water with your intent/manifestation. [Optional] You can write down on a piece of paper your goals and leave by the Moon water to set your intent and/or you can read aloud your intentions when placing your water in it’s charging location. I like to use music to get me into the magickal head space as well.
  • Leave It to Charge: Leave the container under the Moonlight for the entire night, ideally from the moment the new Moon is visible until dawn. We all have different life and sleep patterns so these times may vary.
  • Retrieve Your Moon Water: When you wake up, collect your container. Your Moon water is now charged with the energy of the new Moon and your intentions. 

Now,  it’s time to use that Moon water to make some magick and there are plenty of ways to use Moon water in your practice. 

Witch” by freestocks.org is marked with CC0 1.0.

The Witchy Uses of Moon Water

Now that you’ve crafted yourself some snazzy lil’  Moon water, let’s explore the fascinating ways you can integrate it into your witchcraft. We’ll go more in depth into these ways in further posts but for a general idea: 

 Spellwork and Rituals: Moon water is a versatile ingredient in spellcasting. Use it to consecrate tools, anoint candles, or enhance the potency of your spells.

 Cleansing and Purification: Sprinkle Moon water around your home to cleanse and purify the energy. You can also add a few drops to your bath for a spiritually refreshing experience.

Housework: If you really want to go all the way when it comes to purification and cleansing your space, you can even use Moon water in your housework and daily chores. Adding Moon water to a mix of water and salt is a fabulous cleanser for your floor. Mirror magic? Mixing Moon water with salt and vinegar is great for cleaning your mirrors which capture a lot of energy and can be powerful tools for spell work.

You could even use a larger container especially for the storaging of Moon water for use in cleansing your home throughout the cycle. Now, that is dedication!

Divination Enhancer: Dab Moon water on your third eye (forehead) before a tarot reading or scrying session to enhance your intuitive abilities. You could also do this before bed to encourage psychic dreams. 

Meditation Aid: Sip a small amount of Moon water before meditation or bedtime  to help you connect with your inner self and the lunar energies.

The Maiden” by fuzzcat is licensed under CC BY 2.0.

Dream Magic: Place a glass of Moon water on your nightstand to encourage lucid and vivid dreaming. Some witches believe it aids in dream interpretation. Putting Moon water on your pulse points before bed can also encourage intuitive dreams. 

Charging Crystals and Talismans: Use Moon water to cleanse and charge your crystals and talismans, amplifying their metaphysical properties.

 Anointing Tools: Dip your wand, or other magical tools in Moon water to enhance their magical potency. Also great for jewellery and other magical apprael. 

Blessing and Protection: Create a protective circle by sprinkling Moon water around your sacred space before rituals or spellcasting.

Beauty and Self-Care: Incorporate moon water into your skincare routine to promote clear, radiant skin and a sense of inner and outer beauty. You can even use Moon water in the bath and wash your face and hair with that extra magical touch. Just make sure to visualise what you are manifesting as you do.

 Manifestation: Use Moon water to water plants, symbolizing the nurturing of your intentions and goals (more on this later in the month!). You can also drink it as you visualise your manifestation goals 

Cooking and Kitchen Witchery – Using Moon water as an ingredient and to boil things such as tea or pasta helps adds a little extra magic into your meals. You can also use a few drops within stocks to freeze and spread the intention through the Month. Nice! 

More Magical recipes here

Crafting Moon water during the new Moon and infusing it with your intentions is a delightful way to tap into the Moon’s magical energy. It’s certainly one of the simplest ways to get into practicing monthly rituals and is for beginner witches.  Whether you’re using it in spellwork, cleansing, or self-care, the possibilities for its uses can be tailored to your practice! So, grab your crystals, set your intentions, and let the magic of Moon water help energenise your magic and manifestations 🌙🔮✨

Super Moon Over Water by Beach” by PictureKat is licensed under CC BY 2.0.

When is the next New Moon? 

The next New Moon is 15th September 2023 and will be in Virgo. This is the best time to set your intentions due to it being the last New Moon before Eclipse Season kick starts from 14th October. Eclipses can be chaotic so I don’t personally manifest during time (I learn from my mistakes!) so I use this time to plant the seeds and build the foundations of what I am manifesting before taking a lil break until after eclipse season ends on the 28th Oct. 

The remaining New Moons for 2023 are: 

14th October 2023

  • New Moon – New Hunter’s Moon

13th November 2023 

  • New Moon – New Beaver Moon

12th December 2023 

  • New Moon – New Cold Moon

Have I  inspired you to make moon water or use it in a different way? I hope so and as always we’d love to hear here from you at Digital Coven HQ so let us know in the below comments or via socials. 

Enquiries? We’ve created this magick little contact form here for enquires and questions.

Until Next time, 

Love, Emma 

[@Bunnypudding (Tiktok) / @Bunnyscopes (Instagram) ]

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