Magickal Manicures: Incorporating Witchcraft into Nail Art

Witchy nails? Yes, please! Add some magic into yout manicure routine with Emma’s top tips.

Magickal Manicures

Manicures have long been a way to express personal style and creativity, but they can also be a powerful tool for manifesting intentions and channeling magical energy. My belief is that if it’s something that you enjoy and take pride in, that it’s something that you can utilse to empower yourself spiritually. Things such as music, cooking, dancing, driving, art, fashion, interiors… can all be used as part of your daily spiritual practice. By incorporating symbols, sigils, and specific colors into your nail art, you can transform your manicure into a spell on your fingertips. Whether you’re a seasoned witch or new to the craft, here are some enchanting ideas to make your manicures more magical.

Person painting nails pink base colour with red hearts

Best Organic Nail Polish” by gm.esthermax is licensed under CC BY 2.0.

1. Choosing the Right Colors

Colours carry potent energies and vibrations that can influence your mood and intentions. When selecting nail polish colors for a magical manicure, consider the following associations:

  • Red: Passion, energy, courage, strength, and love.
  • Pink: Romance, friendship, compassion, and self-love.
  • Orange: Creativity, enthusiasm, success, and joy.
  • Yellow: Happiness, clarity, intellect, and communication.
  • Green: Growth, abundance, healing, and balance.
  • Blue: Calm, wisdom, protection, and intuition.
  • Purple: Spirituality, psychic abilities, mystery, and transformation.
  • Black: Protection, grounding, banishing negativity, and introspection.
  • White: Purity, peace, truth, and new beginnings.
  • Gold/Silver: Wealth, success, and lunar/solar energy.

Also don’t forget to have fun! You can mix and match any colours you want, this is your expression.

Witch themed nail art with purple night sky, yellow moon and black cat

Image” by waluntain is marked with Public Domain Mark 1.0.

2. Incorporating Symbols

Symbols are powerful tools in witchcraft, representing various aspects of life and the universe. Adding these to your nail art can enhance your intentions. Here are some common symbols and their meanings:

  • Pentacle: Protection, balance, and harmony.
  • Triquetra: The triple goddess, eternity, and the threefold nature of life.
  • Ankh: Life, immortality, and the divine feminine.
  • Moon Phases: Different phases for different intentions (new moon for beginnings, full moon for completion, etc.).
  • Runes: Each rune has its own meaning, from protection (Algiz) to joy (Wunjo).
  • Stars: Your horoscope or favourite constellation for example. 
  • Wheel – Hekate and the wheel of fortune

To incorporate symbols into your nail art, you can use nail stickers, stamping plates, or freehand painting. Choose symbols that resonate with your current intentions and goals.

Historical text about sigils

L0076356 Figure of hand showing cabbalistic signs and sigils” by The Public Domain Review is marked with Public Domain Mark 1.0.

3. Creating and Using Sigils

Sigils are personalised symbols created to represent specific desires or intentions. They are incredibly versatile and can be incorporated into nail art for a bespoke magical boost.

How to Create a Sigil:

  1. Write down your intention in a clear, positive statement (e.g., “I am confident”).
  2. Remove any repeating letters and vowels (leaving you with “MCFDNT”).
  3. Combine the remaining letters into a unique symbol.
  4. Charge the sigil with your intention by focusing on it and visualizing your desire coming true.

Once your sigil is created, you can paint it onto your nails. You can keep it simple with a single nail featuring the sigil, or repeat the design across multiple nails for added power.

Hand with black nail polish with gold, green and silver holding bottle with label saying 'The Killing Moon'

The Killing Moon” by Lelê Breveglieri is licensed under CC BY 2.0.

4. Enchanting Your Nail Tools and Polishes

Before starting your manicure, take a moment to cleanse and charge your nail tools and polishes. Here’s how:

  • Cleansing: Use smoke, or incense to cleanse your tools of any lingering energies.
  • Charging: Hold your tools and polishes in your hands, close your eyes, and visualise them being filled with your desired energy. You can also place them under the moonlight or sunlight to absorb lunar or solar energy.

5. Infusing Oils and Lotions

Anointing your nails and cuticles with charged oils or lotions can add an extra layer of magic to your manicure. Choose oils that correspond to your intentions:

  • Lavender: Calm and relaxation.
  • Rose: Love and beauty.
  • Peppermint: Energy and clarity.
  • Citrus Oils: Joy and positivity.

As you massage the oil or lotion into your nails, visualize your intentions being absorbed into your body.

Halloween nail art, orange, black and white nail polish with bat and pumpkins

Image” by waluntain is marked with Public Domain Mark 1.0.

6. Using Crystals

Crystals can amplify the energy of your manicure. Here are some ways to incorporate them:

  • Gemstone Nail Art: Use small crystals or gemstones as accents on your nails. Clear quartz, amethyst, and rose quartz are popular choices.
  • Crystal-Infused Polishes: Some nail polishes are infused with crystal energy. Look for these special polishes or make your own by placing a small, cleansed crystal in the bottle.
  • Crystal Charging: Hold your hands over a crystal grid while focusing on your intentions, allowing the crystals to amplify your desires.

7. Meditative Manicures

Transform your manicure routine into a meditative practice. As you paint your nails, focus on your breathing and visualize your intentions with each brushstroke. This mindfulness can enhance the magical energy of your manicure.

Star wars themed nail art with stars, light sabre and darth vader

Image” by waluntain is marked with Public Domain Mark 1.0.

8. Seasonal and Lunar Alignments

Align your manicures with the seasons or lunar phases for added potency. For example:

  • Spring: Focus on growth and renewal with pastel colors and floral designs.
  • Summer: Embrace vitality and abundance with bright, bold colors and sun symbols.
  • Autumn: Reflect on balance and gratitude with earthy tones and leaf motifs.
  • Winter: Invoke introspection and protection with dark, rich colors and snowflake designs.

Similarly, align your manicures with the lunar phases:

  • New Moon: Set new intentions and use colors like white or silver.
  • Waxing Moon: Focus on growth and use colors like green or blue.
  • Full Moon: Manifest and celebrate with gold or silver.
  • Waning Moon: Release and banish with black or dark purple.
Red haired with performing ritual in forest with black nail polish

Witch” by is marked with CC0 1.0.

9. Ritual Manicures

Create a full ritual around your manicure for a deeply immersive magical experience:

  1. Set the Scene: Light candles, burn incense, and play soothing music.
  2. Cleanse: Start with a cleansing hand soak in salt water or a herbal infusion.
  3. Intention Setting: Before starting, take a moment to meditate and clearly set your intentions for the manicure.
  4. Nail Art: Apply your chosen colors, symbols, or sigils with focused intention.
  5. Final Blessing: Once your nails are dry, hold your hands over your heart and visualize your intentions being empowered.

By infusing your manicure routine with these magical practices, you not only enhance your personal style but also harness the power of witchcraft in your everyday life. Whether it’s through color magic, symbols, sigils, or crystals, each element adds a layer of intention and energy, making your manicure truly spellbinding. Happy enchanting!

Do you pratice magickal manicures in your beauty routine? If so let me know below as I love to hear more witchy beauty and lifestyle tips, so why not follow me on social media? 

@Bunnypudding (Tiktok) / @Bunnyscopes (Instagram)

Until Next time! 

Love Ems x X

Profile picture image credit:  “Arianna G. Davis and Ally Harvest Enjoying Their Manicures” by Channing in The City is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0.

What is the Summer Solstice: A Witch’s Celebration

The Summer Solstice, known as Litha, marks the longest day and shortest night of the year. Here’s everything you need to know!

Hello Coven, Emma here! Today is the Summer Solstice, and I  wanted to answer some of the most commonly asked questions about the solstice. If you wish to learn more about the Witches Wheel of Year, check out AJs post which goes in depth. 

The special thing about this year’s Solstice is that it happens around a Full Moon in Sagittarius, when the moon is at 100% visibility on the 21st June 2024 . Check out my post on how to make Moon Water and 20 Versatile Ways to use Moon Water if you wish to superpower your moon water rituals over this period – make sure to share your results on social media, as we love to see your spell work!

Solstice Dawn” by tarotastic is licensed under CC BY 2.0.

Understanding the Summer Solstice

The Summer Solstice, also known as Litha or Midsummer, is a momentous event in the wheel of the year (see link above), marking the longest day and the shortest night. Occurring between June 20th and 22nd, it is a time when the sun is at its zenith, directly over the Tropic of Cancer. This astronomical phenomenon has been celebrated for millennia, symbolising the peak of light, abundance, and the powerful energy of the sun. 

The Solstice in UK History

In the UK, the Summer Solstice holds a significant place in history and culture. Ancient monuments like Stonehenge and Avebury align perfectly with the solstices, suggesting their importance to our ancestors. These stone circles were likely used for ceremonial and astronomical purposes, celebrating the sun’s life-giving energy. I’ve yet to see them myself but I am certainly planning a visit soon. Some witches and Pagans go and visit these monuments during the Solstice as part of their worship. 

Historically, the Summer Solstice was a time for community gatherings, feasting, and merriment. Bonfires were lit to honour the sun and its power. These fires were believed to protect against evil spirits and ensure a bountiful harvest. The solstice was also a time for lovers, with midsummer’s eve considered auspicious for romance and marriage. Oh er! 

Stonehenge Heart” by Jose and Roxanne is licensed under CC BY 2.0.

The Summer Solstice in Witchcraft Practices

For witches, the Summer Solstice is a powerful sabbat that celebrates the sun at its peak and the life force it embodies. It is a time to honour the Earth’s abundance, embrace the light within ourselves, and prepare for the waning year ahead. Litha rituals and celebrations often incorporate themes of light, growth, and the balance between fire and water.

I like to use it as a period to take stock of the start of the year, make adjustments or have celebrations for my areas of growth  and use it as a time to plan my next steps and make adjustments. 

How Witches Celebrate the Summer Solstice

Rituals and Ceremonies

  1. Sunrise Rituals: Begin your solstice celebration by greeting the sunrise. Find a quiet, natural spot to witness the dawn. As the sun rises, meditate on its light, warmth, and energy, feeling it infuse your spirit. No garden or park? No worries, you can do this by a window or anywhere you can get natural light. I do this daily in my bathroom as it’s always facing the sun as I get ready in the morning. 
  2. Creating an Altar: Now not all witches need Altars but if you are that way inclined decorate your altar with symbols of the sun and summer. Use candles, sunflowers, seashells, and crystals like citrine and amber. Incorporate fresh herbs such as St. John’s Wort, chamomile, and lavender. Add representations of the elements – a bowl of water, a feather, a stone, and a candle. Have fun foraging and remember to be respectful! 
  3. Bonfire Magic: Light a bonfire or a simple candle to honour the sun. Write down intentions or things you wish to release on small pieces of paper and burn them in the fire, symbolising transformation and purification. Make sure to practise fire safety etc. 
  4. Herbal Offerings: Collect herbs and flowers associated with the solstice. Create small bundles or wreaths to offer to the earth or hang in your home for protection and prosperity.
  5. Water Rituals: Balance the fire of the solstice with water. Visit a natural body of water – a river, lake, or ocean – and immerse yourself, symbolising cleansing and renewal. If you cannot visit a natural source, a ritual bath with added herbs and essential oils can be equally powerful.
  6. Feasting and Community: Gather with friends or fellow witches for a solstice feast. Prepare dishes using fresh, seasonal produce. Share stories, songs, and dances around the bonfire, celebrating the community and the abundance of the season. Why not use some magickal stocks in your recipes

Spring Valley Nature Walk 4” by H. Michael Miley is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0.

Ways to Celebrate the Solstice

  1. Nature Walks: Spend time in nature, appreciating the peak of summer. Collect natural items like stones, feathers, and flowers to use in your rituals or as offerings. I’ll sharing some of mine over on Tiktok if you wish to join me
  2. Crafting Talismans: Create talismans or amulets from natural materials. Infuse them with your intentions for protection, prosperity, or love. I love making poppets out of field grass. 
  3. Meditation and Reflection: Reflect on the year so far and set goals for the remaining months. Meditate on the balance between light and dark, growth and decline.
  4. Gardening: Engage with the earth by tending to your garden. Plant new seeds, nurture existing plants, and harvest herbs for your magical practices.
  5. Reading and Learning: Use this time to expand your knowledge of solstice traditions and witchcraft practices. Read books, attend workshops, or join online communities to share insights and experiences.

Are you celebrating Litha or the Summer Solstice? If so let us know below and via our social channels as we love to share with the wider witch community. 

Have the BEST Solstice, until next time, darlings! 

Ems xX

@Bunnypudding (Tiktok) / @Bunnyscopes (Instagram)

Profile picture source: “Fremont Summer Solstice Parade 2010” by .curt. is licensed under CC BY 2.0.

Kitchen Witchery: Magickal Camembert Cheese Ritual:

Emma shares a camembert spell which encourages love, wealth and abundance to flow towards you. She also explores how witches use cheese in Witchcraft, nice!

I recently shared a recipe over on my Tiktok that caused a bit of a sensation so I thought it best that I store it here for everyone’s reference. 

I love to have fun with my witchcraft practice, especially when in the kitchen, this is where you can be whimsical and spiritual at the same time and there is just something so wholesome about it all. So I like to bring a bit of magick into my everyday meals, and here is one of my favourites using magickal herbs and  


Here is the Tiktok Video for reference (why not give me a wee follow whilst you are on there, huh?) 


I love making magick in the kitchen and this is a spell I made myself to help empower me to focus on my future goals, get rid of negative energy and welcome in the love & light. ✨Let me know if you wish to know more of my magickal recipes ✨ Do you like to make magicak recipies? If so let me as id love to try them ✨💕 as always check out for more witch tips, spells, magickal recipes and tarot chat! #witchtok #spells #spellwork #digitalcoven #digitalcovenuk #witchcraft #magickrecipe #ukwitches

♬ Elevator Music – Bohoman

The Spells Intentions: 

I wanted a spell that would pay homage to energies that I was working with to help encourage love, wealth and abundance to flow towards me. I love to do these hearthy spells regularly as they help me cleanse negative energies away but also helps me bring positive good energy in…and I get to eat delicious food, so yey! 

  • So when constructing the recipe I pulled from what I want I want to achieve 
  • I set my intentions and wrote them down 
  • I wrote my recipe based on my intentions e.g Herbs that bring wealth..
  • I started to make the recipe at the perfect time of day – in this case in the evening when I usually do larger spells (I just love to work at night, you know?) 

Anyway here she is the recipe in all her glory: 

Image Link My Tiktok: 

Abundance, Love & Wealth  Camembert Ritual Recipe


  • Camembert  Cheese – Represents Hecate and the Moon
  • Honey – To sweeten the spell and attract abundance and promote good health. Brings forward property and community 
  • Sea Salt – Promotes protection, cleansing & purity 
  • Cracked Black Pepper – Wards off negative energy and blackages, brings forth psychic connection 
  • Chilli – Energise the spell, adds passion and brings good health 
  • Garlic – Represents Hecate, good health  fortune 
  • Rosemary – Protection, cleanings, love, abundance & safe home 
  • Olive Oil – Healing, cleansing, protection and spiritual binding 

The Process: 

  • Cut into the top of the cheese and stuff into the slices the garlic, chilli and the rosemary 
  • Make sure to visualise your intention when bringing your ingredients together. 
  • Grate the salt and pepper and squeeze on the honey, drizzle the oil and visusalise your intent (you can even recite a little chant if you’ve wrote one)
  • Cook in the oven for 15 – 20 minutes until gooey and soft ( I heat everything at 200C)
  • Consume with pleasure and visualising your good intentions entering in ❤

[Bonus] If you really want to take the spell to the next level, why not make your own magickal bread to eat with it? (Recipes soon!) 

Camembert gratiné” by Ludovic Péron is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.

Setting your Spell Intentions: 

Here are some ways that you can supercharge your spell. 

  • Personalise: Please note that this is a guide and all spells are personal to you so can and change ingredients to help with the intentions of a spell – add some basil for money if you spell is more focused on abundance or love etc 
  • Carving symbols and numbers -research sigils, runes and symbology
  • Perform the spell work at specific times, dates and moon phases to further empower the spell – just research what works best for what you are trying to manifest. 
  • Listen write a chant or listen to music that channels the energy of your intentions as you are cooking – literally get into the zone etc. 

Image Credit by Free Public Domain Illustrations by rawpixel

Ways that Witches use Cheese in Witchcraft 

As you know I am all about educating when it comes to witchcraft but I also really love talking about cheese … .so here are some ways that witches can use cheese in their Witchcraft. 

In witchcraft, various ingredients, including cheese, can be used in spells and rituals based on their magical properties and symbolism. While cheese may not be as commonly discussed as some other ingredients, it can be employed in witchcraft in several ways:

  • Offerings to Deities: In some pagan or deity-specific practices, cheese may be offered as a gift to certain gods or goddesses. The choice of cheese can vary depending on the deity’s associations or preferences.
  • Kitchen Witchcraft: Kitchen witches often work with ingredients readily available in the kitchen, including cheese. Depending on the type of cheese and its attributes, it can be incorporated into spells or rituals. For example, cheddar cheese might be used for prosperity or yellow cheese for happiness.
  • Binding Spells: Cheese, particularly soft and moldable varieties like Brie or  

Camembert, can be used in binding spells. You might symbolically bind two individuals or energies together, perhaps in a spell to promote unity or strengthen a relationship.

  • Divination: In some divination practices, cheese can be used as a tool for scrying or interpretation. The patterns or holes in certain types of cheese may be interpreted symbolically.
  • Feast Celebrations: Cheese can be included in celebrations, feasts, or Sabbat rituals as an offering or as part of a larger ritual meal. For example, it could be offered during a harvest festival to honour the abundance of the season.
  • Symbolism: The type and colour of the cheese can be chosen for its symbolism in a particular spell. White cheese may represent purity, while blue cheese may symbolise transformation or change.
  • Altar Decorations: Cheese can be used as an altar decoration to represent the earth element. You might place cheese, along with other food items, on your altar to honour the harvest, fertility, or abundance.

Cheese Magic” by Esperluette is licensed under CC BY 2.0.

When using cheese or any other ingredient in witchcraft, it’s essential to consider the magical properties and symbolism associated with that ingredient. Also, personal intent and intuition play a significant role in crafting effective spells and rituals. As with any magical practice, it’s essential to respect the beliefs and traditions of your own path and those of others.

So have I inspired you to go and get your cook in the kitchen and work some magick? Or do you have a recipe or a ritual that you want to share with us? If so let us know below in the comment or via our social channels as we love to hear from you. 

If you wish to send us an email please pop us an email via our contact us page ❤ 

Until next time, darlings! 

Love, Ems 

@Bunnypudding (Tiktok) / @Bunnyscopes (Instagram)

Pumpkin Spice Magic: A Delectable Blend of History, Folklore, and Witchcraft

We’re exploring the history of pumpkin spice, its intriguing ties to witchcraft, and how it’s become an essential part of our seasonal rituals

Spooky Season: It’s that time again. 

As the crisp winds of autumn sweep through the land, a familiar aroma fills the air, beckoning us with its warm, comforting embrace. It’s the enchanting scent of pumpkin spice, a blend that transcends the boundaries of flavors and invokes the essence of Autumn and mania in shopping aisles. Today, we’re exploring the rich history of pumpkin spice, its intriguing ties to folklore and witchcraft, and how this magical mixture has become an essential part of our seasonal rituals and coffee orders.

The Origins of Pumpkin Spice:

Pumpkin spice, that delightful combination of cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves, and ginger, traces its roots back to ancient civilizations. Spices like cinnamon and nutmeg were highly prized in ancient Egypt and India, not only for their culinary uses but also for their medicinal and mystical properties.

Pumpkin Spice: Folklore and Harvest Celebrations:

The association between pumpkin spice and folklore can be traced to the autumn harvest festivals celebrated by various cultures. Pumpkins, as a quintessential fall crop, were often featured prominently in these celebrations. The spices used in pumpkin spice blends were believed to have protective and purifying qualities. In some traditions, these spices were sprinkled around homes to ward off malevolent spirits and ensure a bountiful harvest.

Pumpkin Spice” by joyosity is licensed under CC BY 2.0.

What is Pumpkin Spice?

Pumpkin spice, with its aromatic blend of cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves, and ginger, is more than just a popular flavor of the colder seasons. For witches, it holds a special place in their magical arsenal. Let’s explore the magical properties of the ingredients in pumpkin spice and why it’s a beloved staple in the witch’s pantry.

Cinnamon: Fire of Passion and Protection:

Cinnamon, a key component of pumpkin spice, is associated with the element of fire, making it a potent ingredient in magical practices. Its magical properties include:

  • Passion and Love: Cinnamon is known for kindling the flames of passion and enhancing love spells. It can help rekindle the spark in relationships or attract new romance.
  • Protection: Cinnamon is also used for protective magic, creating a barrier against negative energies and malevolent forces.
  • Abundance: Cinnamon can be used to bring about abundance and encourage wealth. . Many believe cinnamon has a very high spiritual/energetic vibrations that attract luck

Cinnamon” by is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0.

Nutmeg: Enhancing Psychic Abilities:

Nutmeg, another integral spice in pumpkin spice, is linked to psychic abilities and spiritual insight:

  • Psychic Enhancement: Witches use nutmeg to boost their psychic abilities, making it a valuable tool for divination, meditation, and dream work.
  • Clarity and Wisdom: Nutmeg is believed to enhance mental clarity, aiding in decision-making and deepening one’s understanding of complex matters.

Cloves: Banishing Negativity and Purification:

Cloves, with their sharp and pungent aroma, serve as powerful tools for witches:

  • Banishing Negativity: Cloves are often used in banishing spells to remove negative influences, energies, or entities from one’s life.
  • Purification: They are also employed for purification rituals, cleansing spaces or objects of unwanted energies.

Ginger: Empowering and Energizing:

Ginger, the final element in the pumpkin spice blend, brings its own unique qualities to magical practices:

  • Energy and Power: Ginger is known for boosting personal power and vitality. Witches use it to infuse their spells with added energy and determination.
  • Success and Prosperity: It’s also associated with success and prosperity, making it a favored ingredient in abundance rituals.

Pumpkin Spice Frappuccino” by llorias is licensed under CC BY 2.0.

How Witches Use Pumpkin Spice:

Witches have long appreciated the power of herbs and spices in their magical practices. Pumpkin spice, with its warm and grounding properties, is a favorite among modern witches for several reasons:

Seasonal Connection: Pumpkin spice is closely tied to the autumn season when the veil between worlds is believed to be thin. It aligns with the earthy, grounding energies of Autumn, making it an ideal addition to spells and rituals during this time.

Harmony and Balance: The spices in pumpkin spice, individually and collectively, promote balance, harmony, and warmth. Witches use it to create a harmonious atmosphere in their homes and rituals.

Transformation and Transition: Autumn is a season of change, and pumpkin spice embodies the transformative energy of this season. Witches utilise it to facilitate personal growth and navigate life’s transitions.

Connection with Ancestors: Pumpkin spice’s popularity during holidays like Samhain and Halloween also makes it a potent tool for connecting with ancestors and spirit guides.

Comfort and Hearth Magic: The warm, comforting scent of pumpkin spice can create a cozy atmosphere conducive to meditation, divination, or simply relaxing by the hearth.

Protection and Purification: Individual spices within pumpkin spice, such as cinnamon and cloves, are known for their protective and purifying qualities, making them valuable tools in warding off negative energies.

Enhancing Psychic Abilities: Nutmeg, another component of pumpkin spice, is associated with enhancing psychic abilities and intuition, making it a valuable addition to divination practices.

Further Uses For Pumpkin Spice:

Beyond its magical properties, pumpkin spice has become a beloved flavor of the Autumn season. From lattes to candles, this aromatic blend has permeated our daily lives and rituals. Here are a few lifestyle elements where pumpkin spice shines:

Spiced Pumpkin Cake with Citrus Cream Cheese Frosting Topped with Vegan Caramel” by Vegan Feast Catering is licensed under CC BY 2.0.

  • Culinary Delights: Pumpkin spice finds its way into a wide array of dishes, from pies and muffins to soups and cookies. It’s a comforting and indulgent flavor that reminds us of the harvest season.
  • Aromatherapy: Pumpkin spice-scented candles and essential oils offer a delightful way to infuse our homes with the cozy ambiance of Autumn.
  • Self-Care Rituals: Many incorporate pumpkin spice into self-care routines, whether through homemade face masks, bath salts, or even as an ingredient in natural perfumes

Pumpkin spice, with its deep historical roots, ties to folklore, and its embrace by modern witches, has become a symbol of autumn’s magic. As you savor that pumpkin spice latte or light a pumpkin spice candle, remember the ancient wisdom and enchantment this delightful blend carries with it. Whether you’re indulging in a seasonal treat or infusing your witchcraft with its warm essence, pumpkin spice is a reminder that the magic of the season is always at hand.

Do you use or love Pumpkin spice? If so let us know below or via our social channels.

Until next time, darlings! 

Love, Ems 

@Bunnypudding (Tiktok) / @Bunnyscopes (Instagram)

Reference links:

Explore the history of spices and their significance

Learn about the folklore of autumn harvest celebrations

Discover the use of spices in witchcraft

Main Picture Credit: “Pumpkin Spice” by Theo Crazzolara is licensed under CC BY 2.0.

October 14th, 2023 Solar Eclipse in Libra and Its Mystical Significance

October 14th, 2023, promises to be of profound astrological significance—the Solar eclipse in Libra. Let’s unlock the secrets of this lunar eclipse together.

The night of October 14th, 2023, promises a celestial spectacle of profound astrological significance—the Solar eclipse in Libra. This enchanting event marks a harmonious alignment in the cosmos, inviting us to delve into the mysteries of the moon, its role in witchcraft, and the reasons behind the cautionary whispers against manifestation during eclipse season. Let’s unlock the secrets of this eclipse seson together.. 

The Moon’s Timeless Enchantment:

Since day dot, the moon has been a celestial beacon, captivating human hearts and souls. This radiant orb, Earth’s celestial companion, has symbolised femininity, intuition, and the cyclical nature of existence. In ancient cultures worldwide, the moon was revered as a deity, with goddesses like Artemis, Diana, and Selene embodying its nurturing and transformative energies. Eh, I love the moon SO much.

The Moon’s Crucial Role in Witchcraft:

Witches have always recognized the moon’s unparalleled power in their craft. Lunar phases are the very heartbeat of magical practice, offering distinct energies for spellcasting and manifestation:

  • New Moon: A clean slate for beginnings and intentions.
  • Waxing Moon: A time of growth and manifestation.
  • Full Moon: A peak of energy and culmination, a time for thanks and celebration. Even a time to let go.
  • Waning Moon: A phase for releasing and banishing.

Lunar Eclipse 2021” by Jaykhuang is licensed under CC BY 2.0.

The Solar Eclipse in Libra: A Dance of Balance and Transformation.

A Solar eclipse unfolds when the moon passes between the Earth and the sun, momentarily blocking the sun’s light and casting a shadow on our planet. This phenomenon results from the precise alignment of the sun, moon, and Earth in a straight line, with the moon’s shadow being cast onto the Earth’s surface. There are two primary types of solar eclipses: a total solar eclipse, where the sun is completely obscured by the moon, and a partial solar eclipse, where only a portion of the sun is covered. During a total solar eclipse, the sky darkens, and the sun’s corona, a halo of superheated gas, becomes visible.

On October 14th, 2023, this eclipse occurs in the sign of Libra.

Libra, ruled by Venus, seeks harmony, balance, and justice. It invites us to find equilibrium within ourselves and our relationships, embracing change while preserving our inner harmony. Remember to research your specific birth chart placements to see how this moon may impact you.

When does the Eclipse Season End? 

The Eclipse season begins on October 14th with a Solar eclipse. The eclipse season will continue until the Lunar eclipse on October 28th, 2023, which signifies the end of this powerful celestial period. During this time, embrace the opportunity for deep spiritual growth and insight, making it a potent period for magical practices and inner work.

Gossouin of Metz, Image du Monde, Lunar eclipse, Walters Manuscript W.199, fol. 97v by Walters Art Museum Illuminated Manuscripts

Why Don’t We Manifest During Eclipse Season?:

Eclipse season, encompassing both solar and lunar eclipses, is a time of heightened emotions and unpredictability. This period is often considered unfavourable for manifestation and spellwork due to the intense energies at play. It can get a wee bit chaotic to work with, even for the most advanced Witches. Instead, it’s wise to focus on self-reflection, releasing what no longer serves you, and setting intentions with prudence.

Eclipse season, encompassing both solar and lunar eclipses, is a time of heightened emotions and unpredictability. This period is often considered unfavourable for manifestation and spellwork due to the intense energies at play. It can get a wee bit chaotic to work with, even for the most advanced Witches.Instead, it’s wise to focus on self-reflection, releasing what no longer serves you, and setting intentions with prudence.

How Can We Honour the Moon During the Eclipse Season?

With this eclipse taking place in Libra, we can also look into the mundane. Libra rules the skin, the kidneys and the lower back. Take yourself for a massage or give yourself a facial during the peak of the moon. Keep it slow and keep it chill during this wee moment of ‘chaos’. 

When Can We Start Manifesting Again?

Ooh super keen and we love to see it! After the 28th October 2023 is when the last Eclipse occurs but I’d recommend adding a few extra days caution to prevent any ‘Shadow’ period hiccups from happening. 

So there you have it, the final Eclipse Season of 2023!

Are you going to celebrate this Eclipse Season? If so let us know below or via one our social channels as we LOVE to hear from you (we’re needy like that). 

Fancy working with us or booking in a tarot reading or spiritual workshop? Click here for info. 

Until next time, darlings! 

Love, Ems 

@Bunnypudding (Tiktok) / @Bunnyscopes (Instagram)

Profile Header Lunar Eclipse – September 27 2015 – Diagonal Progression

by Eric Kilby 

Astrological insights

Explore Lunar Phases and Witchcraft

The Magical Moon: Lunar Folklore and Legends

Rituals and Spells for Harnessing the Energy of the Full Moon in Aries

Emma shares some fabulous insights, spells and rituals so that you can make the most out of 23rd Septembers Aries Full Moon.

It’s one of our favourite times of the Month, the  full moon, and on this 29th of September, 2023, it graces us in the fiery sign of Aries. The Full Moon in Aries is a powerful celestial event, brimming with energy and intensity and as someone with Aries placements, I am SURE feeling it already. Aries, being the first sign of the zodiac, represents beginnings, leadership, and courage. This lunar phase is the perfect time to embrace new opportunities, release what no longer serves you, and ignite your inner fire. So let’s  explore the significance of the Full Moon in Aries and share some magical rituals and spells to help you harness its energy.

Featured image: British Night Sky by tombayly13

The Full Moon in Aries: Significance

The Full Moon is a culmination of energy, a time when the lunar cycle reaches its zenith. When it occurs in Aries, a sign ruled by Mars, the planet of action and passion, the energy becomes electrifying. Here are some key themes associated with the Full Moon in Aries:

Initiation and Courage: Aries is known for its boldness and fearlessness. This Full Moon encourages you to step out of your comfort zone, take risks, and initiate new endeavors with confidence.

Self-Discovery: Aries is the sign of the self. Use this time to delve into self-discovery, understanding your desires, strengths, and weaknesses. What do you want to manifest in your life?

Releasing Pent-Up Energy: Aries is a fire sign, and this Full Moon can help you release pent-up emotions and frustrations. It’s a time to let go of what no longer serves you, making room for fresh energies.

 Basically this full Moon is all about letting go, so that you can move forward into the next stages of your spiritual journey. 

Eg. Want to find love? This is a perfect time to do a cord cutting ritual to let go of past romantic trauma and open yourself up to love. 

Want to move into the next stage of your career? This is the perfect moon to purge yourself of self doubt and visualise the next steps in your career. 

This is also the last recommended Full Moon to manifest before the eclipse season starts – why? Eclipse season can be chaotic and things that you manifest may not work out the way you expect. When I worked with Astrologer Queen Aliza Kelly, she warned me about doing this once annnnnnnd let’s just say I’ll never do it again…but that is another blog post entirely! Just listen to your spiritual Aunties, coven kids, as we only advise so you don’t repeat our mistakes. 

by NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center

Rituals and Spells for the Full Moon in Aries

So, how can we use this full moon to help release the things that are barriers to our manifestations…well, you’ve come to the right place. 

Fire Meditation: Find a quiet, safe space outdoors or by a window. Light a red or white candle (colors associated with Aries) and gaze into the flame. As you do, visualize any fears, doubts, or obstacles burning away. Channel the fiery energy of Aries to boost your confidence and courage.

Write Your Desires: Take a piece of paper and write down your intentions and desires for the coming weeks or months. Be specific about what you want to achieve. Then, under the light of the Full Moon, burn the paper, releasing your intentions to the universe.

Release Ritual: Write down any negative thoughts, habits, or situations that you wish to release. Visualise these aspects leaving your life. You can bury the paper in the earth or toss it into flowing water as a symbol of letting go.

Aries Tarot Reading: If you’re into tarot (and we sure are here!) perform a tarot reading with a focus on new beginnings and courage. The Fool card and the Emperor card may be particularly relevant during this time.

Protection Spell: Aries is also associated with protecting one’s boundaries. Create a protective circle by casting a circle of salt around yourself. As you do, recite a protection incantation, such as: “By the power of Aries, I shield myself from harm. Boundaries strong, I remain unharmed.”

Moon Bathing: Spend some time outdoors under the light of the Full Moon, soaking in its energy. Visualize the moon’s energy infusing you with courage and determination.

Candle with smoke” by Rob Ellis’

Cord Cutting Ritual : 

What you need:

  • A (red if posible but other colours are fine) cord or string
  • A pair of scissors
  • A red or white candle
  • A quiet, sacred space


Find a quiet space and light candle.

  • Hold the red cord and focus on what you wish to release—negative thoughts, attachments, or emotional burdens.
  • Cut the cord, saying:

By the Aries Full Moon’s might, I release what binds me tight. As I sever this cord today, I’m free to light my own way.

pssst! You can write your own chant if you wish 😉
  • Visualise the released energy dissipating, leaving you feeling lighter and empowered.
  • Safely extinguish the candle and reflect on your renewed sense of freedom.
  • This spell allows you to let go of what no longer serves you and embrace the Full Moon in Aries’ empowering energy.

the moon
by Frances Lane

The Full Moon in Aries is a potent cosmic event that offers us the opportunity to tap into our inner fire and embark on new journeys with confidence. Whether you’re a seasoned witch or just beginning to explore the world of magic and spirituality, these rituals and spells can help you make the most of this celestial occasion (and we never need an excuse to work with teh Moon here at Digital Coven) Embrace the energy of Aries, release what no longer serves you, and set your intentions ablaze under the radiant light of the Full Moon. May this magical night bring you courage, clarity, and transformation!

Are you working with the Full Moon tonight? If so let us know below or one our social channels as we LOVE to hear from you (we’re needy like that). 

Fancy working with us or booking in a tarot reading or spiritual workshop? Click here for info. 

Until next time, darlings! 

Love, Ems 

@Bunnypudding (Tiktok) / @Bunnyscopes (Instagram)

Profile image: “From Urania’s Mirror: Aries and Musca Borealis, 1825” by trialsanderrors