Rituals and Spells for Harnessing the Energy of the Full Moon in Aries

Emma shares some fabulous insights, spells and rituals so that you can make the most out of 23rd Septembers Aries Full Moon.

It’s one of our favourite times of the Month, the  full moon, and on this 29th of September, 2023, it graces us in the fiery sign of Aries. The Full Moon in Aries is a powerful celestial event, brimming with energy and intensity and as someone with Aries placements, I am SURE feeling it already. Aries, being the first sign of the zodiac, represents beginnings, leadership, and courage. This lunar phase is the perfect time to embrace new opportunities, release what no longer serves you, and ignite your inner fire. So let’s  explore the significance of the Full Moon in Aries and share some magical rituals and spells to help you harness its energy.

Featured image: British Night Sky by tombayly13

The Full Moon in Aries: Significance

The Full Moon is a culmination of energy, a time when the lunar cycle reaches its zenith. When it occurs in Aries, a sign ruled by Mars, the planet of action and passion, the energy becomes electrifying. Here are some key themes associated with the Full Moon in Aries:

Initiation and Courage: Aries is known for its boldness and fearlessness. This Full Moon encourages you to step out of your comfort zone, take risks, and initiate new endeavors with confidence.

Self-Discovery: Aries is the sign of the self. Use this time to delve into self-discovery, understanding your desires, strengths, and weaknesses. What do you want to manifest in your life?

Releasing Pent-Up Energy: Aries is a fire sign, and this Full Moon can help you release pent-up emotions and frustrations. It’s a time to let go of what no longer serves you, making room for fresh energies.

 Basically this full Moon is all about letting go, so that you can move forward into the next stages of your spiritual journey. 

Eg. Want to find love? This is a perfect time to do a cord cutting ritual to let go of past romantic trauma and open yourself up to love. 

Want to move into the next stage of your career? This is the perfect moon to purge yourself of self doubt and visualise the next steps in your career. 

This is also the last recommended Full Moon to manifest before the eclipse season starts – why? Eclipse season can be chaotic and things that you manifest may not work out the way you expect. When I worked with Astrologer Queen Aliza Kelly, she warned me about doing this once annnnnnnd let’s just say I’ll never do it again…but that is another blog post entirely! Just listen to your spiritual Aunties, coven kids, as we only advise so you don’t repeat our mistakes. 

by NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center

Rituals and Spells for the Full Moon in Aries

So, how can we use this full moon to help release the things that are barriers to our manifestations…well, you’ve come to the right place. 

Fire Meditation: Find a quiet, safe space outdoors or by a window. Light a red or white candle (colors associated with Aries) and gaze into the flame. As you do, visualize any fears, doubts, or obstacles burning away. Channel the fiery energy of Aries to boost your confidence and courage.

Write Your Desires: Take a piece of paper and write down your intentions and desires for the coming weeks or months. Be specific about what you want to achieve. Then, under the light of the Full Moon, burn the paper, releasing your intentions to the universe.

Release Ritual: Write down any negative thoughts, habits, or situations that you wish to release. Visualise these aspects leaving your life. You can bury the paper in the earth or toss it into flowing water as a symbol of letting go.

Aries Tarot Reading: If you’re into tarot (and we sure are here!) perform a tarot reading with a focus on new beginnings and courage. The Fool card and the Emperor card may be particularly relevant during this time.

Protection Spell: Aries is also associated with protecting one’s boundaries. Create a protective circle by casting a circle of salt around yourself. As you do, recite a protection incantation, such as: “By the power of Aries, I shield myself from harm. Boundaries strong, I remain unharmed.”

Moon Bathing: Spend some time outdoors under the light of the Full Moon, soaking in its energy. Visualize the moon’s energy infusing you with courage and determination.

Candle with smoke” by Rob Ellis’

Cord Cutting Ritual : 

What you need:

  • A (red if posible but other colours are fine) cord or string
  • A pair of scissors
  • A red or white candle
  • A quiet, sacred space


Find a quiet space and light candle.

  • Hold the red cord and focus on what you wish to release—negative thoughts, attachments, or emotional burdens.
  • Cut the cord, saying:

By the Aries Full Moon’s might, I release what binds me tight. As I sever this cord today, I’m free to light my own way.

pssst! You can write your own chant if you wish 😉
  • Visualise the released energy dissipating, leaving you feeling lighter and empowered.
  • Safely extinguish the candle and reflect on your renewed sense of freedom.
  • This spell allows you to let go of what no longer serves you and embrace the Full Moon in Aries’ empowering energy.

the moon
by Frances Lane

The Full Moon in Aries is a potent cosmic event that offers us the opportunity to tap into our inner fire and embark on new journeys with confidence. Whether you’re a seasoned witch or just beginning to explore the world of magic and spirituality, these rituals and spells can help you make the most of this celestial occasion (and we never need an excuse to work with teh Moon here at Digital Coven) Embrace the energy of Aries, release what no longer serves you, and set your intentions ablaze under the radiant light of the Full Moon. May this magical night bring you courage, clarity, and transformation!

Are you working with the Full Moon tonight? If so let us know below or one our social channels as we LOVE to hear from you (we’re needy like that). 

Fancy working with us or booking in a tarot reading or spiritual workshop? Click here for info. 

Until next time, darlings! 

Love, Ems 

@Bunnypudding (Tiktok) / @Bunnyscopes (Instagram)

Profile image: “From Urania’s Mirror: Aries and Musca Borealis, 1825” by trialsanderrors

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