Enchanting Beauty: Witchy Tips, Rituals, and Spells for a Magical Glow

Channel Great Aunt Calpurnia with these beauty spells and rituals to help your inner Goddess, shine.

We’ve all heard of Great Aunt Calpurnia, who according to our Goth Mother Morticia Addams, 

“she danced naked in the town square and enslaved a minister”

and wish to emulate her terrifying power. So I have brought together some of my favourite simple beauty rituals to help us embody this queen. 

Beauty rituals can be much more than skincare routines and makeup applications—they can be powerful acts of self-care and magic. By incorporating witchcraft into your beauty regimen, you can enhance your natural radiance and infuse your daily practices with intention and spiritual energy. Here are some witchy beauty tips, rituals, and spells to help you glow from the inside out.

Screen shot of picture of Calpurina addams from the film Addams faily values
Our Queen: Great Aunt Calpurnia

1. Moon Water Facial Toner

I love working with moonwater and make sure to wash my face with moon water the first morning after I make a batch to really set my intentions. Moon water, charged under the moonlight, is also a magical tool for cleansing and refreshing your skin. Here’s how to make, use and store it:

How to Make Moon Water:

  1. Fill a glass jar (Ideally with a lid if putting outside over night) with clean, filtered or tap water.
  2. Place the jar under the light of the full moon overnight to charge it with lunar energy. This can be in your bedroom, on a self by a window etc if you don’t have access to outdoor space.
  3. In the morning, seal the jar and store it in a cool, dark place.

How to Use:

  • Use moon water as a facial toner by applying it with a cotton pad after cleansing your face. Visualise the lunar energy infusing your skin with clarity and radiance…..Or just splash it on there, like I do! 

How to Store Moon water:

To use through to the next moonphase, freeze your moonwater into icecubes so you have easy access to a daily dose until you can make your next batch.

Click here for more Moon Water Beauty Tips.

Picture of camomille in a glass bowl placed in some grass

kamille/ camomile” by Eddi 07- Free Stock is licensed under CC BY 2.0.

2. Herbal Beauty Steam

I am forever congested and in Summer when hayfever strikes, it can be very unpleasant so I’ve been rather fond of Herbal steams. Snazzy, eh? Herbal steams open pores, cleanse impurities, and infuse your skin with the benefits of natural herbs. They also provide a moment of relaxation and meditation as well as helping you sound less like a railway station tannoy. Multipurpose.


  • Dried herbs like chamomile, lavender, rosemary, or rose petals.
  • A large bowl of hot water. (Be careful not to put boiling water into anything that will crack like glass, learn from my mistakes, coven!

How to Perform:

  1. Add a handful of dried herbs to the hot water.
  2. Cover your head with a towel and lean over the bowl, allowing the steam to envelop your face.
  3. Breathe deeply, relax, and visualise the herbal energy purifying and revitalising your skin.

I like to add music which matches the energy I am trying to tap into as well but you can do this in silence and just really lean into the relaxation part….just don’t fall asleep. 

Picture of a jar of raw honey with flowers and satsumas placed around the jar

Homemade honey orange juice jar” is marked with CC0 1.0.

3. Beauty Spell for Glowing Skin

We are all bloody beautiful inside and out and I refuse to hear anyone say otherwise, no, really. Ssssh with that self hate, I see you, pretty thing ❤ This simple spell harnesses the power of natural ingredients and positive affirmations to enhance your skin’s glow. So you feel all lovely inside and out, like you deserve! 


  • Honey (for hydration and healing).
  • Milk or yogurt (for exfoliation and softness).
  • A small bowl.

How to Perform:

  1. Mix a tablespoon of honey with a tablespoon of milk or yogurt in a small bowl.
  2. Stir clockwise (to bring in good intentions) while repeating a positive affirmation like:

“As I nourish my skin, my inner and outer beauty shine brightly.”


“I am the baddest bitch in these streets, so even my skin, like my life tastes honey sweet”

    ….say whatever just have fun with it. Make it yours, ok? The magick always works better that way ; ) 

    3. Apply the mixture to your face and leave it on for 15-20 minutes.

    4. Rinse with warm water, feeling the spell’s energy infusing your skin with radiance.

      You can add other ingredients to your mask with more ideas here: 

      Crystal bottled in the shape of a skull full of clear liquid

      Crystal Head Vodka Magnum and Standard Bottle” by Fareham Wine is licensed under CC BY 2.0.

      4. Crystal-Infused Beauty Oils

      We seriously don’t need another excuse to get a crystal out and start getting the vibrations up. So, since we’ve all brought so many of the bloody things and we can’t just keep telling people that they are just for decoration, you’ll be happy to know that that you can now tell people that crystals are powerful tools in witchcraft, and their energies can be infused into beauty oils for added magic. See, I got you. This is a coven. I’m never going to tell you that you have enough crystals. Ever. If anything, get more. Support local businesses.


      • Carrier oil (such as jojoba or almond oil).
      • Crystals like rose quartz (for love and beauty), amethyst (for calm and healing), or clear quartz (for amplification).
      • A small glass bottle or jar.

      How to Make:

      1. Place a cleansed crystal into the glass bottle or jar.
      2. Fill the bottle with the carrier oil.
      3. Let the oil infuse with the crystal’s energy for at least 24 hours.

      How to Use:

      • Use the crystal-infused oil as a moisturiser or massage oil, visualising its energy enhancing your beauty and well-being.

      Don’t worry I’ll post a full focus piece on crystals and beauty magic soon! 

      A picture of red and pink Rose petals scattered in water

      Rose Petals” by Rod Waddington is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0.

      5. Glamour Bath Ritual

      If you’re anything like me, then everything you do demands a pinch of glamour and so washing one’s self is no different. A glamour bath is a luxurious way to enhance your natural allure and boost your confidence.


      • Sea salt (for cleansing).
      • Rose petals (for love and beauty).
      • Lavender (for relaxation).
      • A few drops of essential oils like rose or jasmine.
      • A candle.

      How to Perform:

      1. Run a warm bath and add the sea salt, rose petals, lavender, and essential oils.
      2. Light a candle and place it near the bath.
      3. Enter the bath and soak, visualizing any negative energy washing away and being replaced by a radiant glow.
      4. Focus on a glamour affirmation such as:

      “I am radiant, beautiful, and confident in my skin.”


      “I know no other way but to slay’ 

      Painting of red haired woman looking into the mirror and combing their hair

      Girl Combing Her Hair – William Mcgregor Paxton” by afonsojose53 is marked with Public Domain Mark 1.0.

      6. Makeup Magic

      For many of us the act of putting on makeup is a sacred ritual in itself – life is a performance after all, girlhood is a concept and witchcraft is fun…so why not transform your makeup routine into a magical ritual with these simple practices?

      • Intentional Application: As you apply each product, focus on your intention. For example, as you apply foundation, visualise it as a protective shield that enhances your natural beauty. I love using this Korean Missha brand BB Cream with SPF40 as I am all about the sunscreen.
      • Symbolic Shapes: Draw small, discreet symbols or sigils with your makeup (e.g., a small pentacle with eyeliner) to imbue your look with magical energy.
      • Bless Your Products: Hold each makeup product in your hands and say a blessing, charging it with your desired intention (e.g., “May this lipstick bring me confidence and charm”). If you are able to, place them in a moonlit spot to charge and cleanse them. 
      • Cleanse your products: Burning incense over your items will help cleanse them and remove toxic energies. I don’t know about you but I know where I’ve ended up some nights so it’s good to regulary do this.  

      7. Hair Enchantment

      Some ancient cultures believed a womans hair to be able to enslave men and was a source for evil. So in celebration of our ancestors here are some ways that you can use your hair to be a conduit for magical energy:

      • Herbal Rinses: Create herbal rinses with rosemary (for growth), chamomile (for shine), or sage (for protection). After washing your hair, pour the rinse over your hair as a final step, visualizing its magical properties infusing your strands.
      • Crystal Combs: Use a comb with crystal handles or embed small crystals in the handle of your brush. As you brush your hair, visualise the crystal’s energy enhancing your hair’s strength and beauty. Also great to help cleanse any toxic energy from your precious strands.
      • Braiding Spells: As you braid your hair, focus on weaving in your intentions. For example, a simple three-strand braid can represent body, mind, and spirit harmony. You can even do a top twists version of this which I like to do when I really want my hair of the way.
      • Enchanting Oils: Use oils such as coconut or almond oil inflused with ingrediants and intentions. Our South Asian girlies have also bestrowed upon use the knowledge of Rosemary oil, which has been trending all over tiktok but you can make your own at home as well. We are forever grateful. THANK YOU. When I’m time senstive this is my go to for hair oil: Natures Choice Rosemary oil

      Photo of vintage dressing table with vinatge compact mirros laid on top of it.

      Vintage Compacts” by YourCastlesDecor is licensed under CC BY 2.0.

      8. DIY Beauty Charms

      Create beauty charms to carry with you or keep in your beauty area to enhance your magical energy. I like to enchant a mirror compact and it’s contents to carry it around with me. I’m also prone to carrying little witch bags or even mini witch bottles with specific intents attached to them (I’ll make a post about these soon) 


      • A small pouch.
      • Crystals (like rose quartz or amethyst).
      • Herbs (like lavender or rose petals).
      • A written intention or affirmation.

      How to Make:

      1. Fill the pouch with the crystals, herbs, and written intention.
      2. Hold the pouch in your hands and charge it with your desired energy, visualising your intention being amplified.

      How to Use:

      • Keep the charm in your purse, pocket, or near your beauty products to continually boost your magical energy. If it’s a witch bottle, you can take it out now and then to give it a lil shake to futher activate it (or get your rage out, either/or)

      9. Morning and Night Rituals

      Incorporate magical rituals into your morning and night routines to set the tone for your day and ensure a restful night. As an ADHD witch, keeping a sleep routine has been key to improving my mental health, getting into a regular routine (and thus not fucking my life up as much, which reduces stress, huzzah!) and ‘discovering mornings’ has really helped me navigate life. I now wake up around 6/6.30am each morning to get a ritual, journaling or art in to help supercharge my day. I also do the same at night, but do my meditations as I go to sleep, as it helps me drop off and keep the speeding thoughts at bay (Big Shout out to my ‘brain never shuts up ever‘ people in the audience, I see you and we’ve got this…kinda!). 

      Morning Ritual:

      1. Start with a few deep breaths and a positive affirmation. Again these could be beautiul and well thought out affirmations or they can also be funny and energy lifting such as looking into the mirror and going:

      Oh my gwad, look at that fine example of an ass. And, wait, what, I own this ass? I grew this myself? I manifested this magnifciant superior, posterior, you say?! Well, lets see what else amazing I will manifest today”

      2. Cleanse your face with moon water or a herbal cleanser. Also, slather on SPF50. Trust your fabulous Witch Aunt on this one, you’ll thank me when you’re older.

      3.Apply crystal-infused oil or your favorite moisturizer with intention, visualizing your desired outcome for the day.

      girasole” by erix! is licensed under CC BY 2.0.

      Night Ritual:

      1. Cleanse your face and remove any makeup, visualising the day’s stress washing away.
      2. Apply a soothing lotion or serum, infused with lavender oil for relaxation.
      3. Spend a few moments in meditation, focusing on gratitude and self-love.

      Now remember darlings, use these beauty tips to help you feel even more love for yourself and remember, when you start to feel a bit low in the old self esteem remember, what would Great Aunt Calpurnia say to you? 

      Exactly. Stop crying over rat people who don’t deserve you and go enslave some ministers. Eat the rich, I dunno, go create chaos. I believe in you

      By incorporating these witchy beauty tips, rituals, and spells into your routine, you can enhance not only your physical appearance and malevolent allure but also your spiritual well-being. Embrace the magic within and let your inner and outer beauty shine brightly my pretties, mwahaha! 

      Like this article? Why not sign up to our newsletter and or social channels? We love to hear from you! 

      @Bunnypudding (Tiktok) / @Bunnyscopes (Instagram)

      Until Next time, darlings and remember, college first! 

      Ems x X 

      Profile Image credit: “Black Beauties Colorful Hair Grace” by U.S. National Archives is marked with CC0 1.0.

      Magickal Manicures: Incorporating Witchcraft into Nail Art

      Witchy nails? Yes, please! Add some magic into your manicure routine with Emma’s top tips.

      Magickal Manicures

      Manicures have long been a way to express personal style and creativity, but they can also be a powerful tool for manifesting intentions and channeling magical energy. My belief is that if it’s something that you enjoy and take pride in, that it’s something that you can utilse to empower yourself spiritually. Things such as music, cooking, dancing, driving, art, fashion, interiors… can all be used as part of your daily spiritual practice. By incorporating symbols, sigils, and specific colors into your nail art, you can transform your manicure into a spell on your fingertips. Whether you’re a seasoned witch or new to the craft, here are some enchanting ideas to make your manicures more magical.

      Person painting nails pink base colour with red hearts

      Best Organic Nail Polish” by gm.esthermax is licensed under CC BY 2.0.

      1. Choosing the Right Colors

      Colours carry potent energies and vibrations that can influence your mood and intentions. When selecting nail polish colors for a magical manicure, consider the following associations:

      • Red: Passion, energy, courage, strength, and love.
      • Pink: Romance, friendship, compassion, and self-love.
      • Orange: Creativity, enthusiasm, success, and joy.
      • Yellow: Happiness, clarity, intellect, and communication.
      • Green: Growth, abundance, healing, and balance.
      • Blue: Calm, wisdom, protection, and intuition.
      • Purple: Spirituality, psychic abilities, mystery, and transformation.
      • Black: Protection, grounding, banishing negativity, and introspection.
      • White: Purity, peace, truth, and new beginnings.
      • Gold/Silver: Wealth, success, and lunar/solar energy.

      Also don’t forget to have fun! You can mix and match any colours you want, this is your expression.

      Witch themed nail art with purple night sky, yellow moon and black cat

      Image” by waluntain is marked with Public Domain Mark 1.0.

      2. Incorporating Symbols

      Symbols are powerful tools in witchcraft, representing various aspects of life and the universe. Adding these to your nail art can enhance your intentions. Here are some common symbols and their meanings:

      • Pentacle: Protection, balance, and harmony.
      • Triquetra: The triple goddess, eternity, and the threefold nature of life.
      • Ankh: Life, immortality, and the divine feminine.
      • Moon Phases: Different phases for different intentions (new moon for beginnings, full moon for completion, etc.).
      • Runes: Each rune has its own meaning, from protection (Algiz) to joy (Wunjo).
      • Stars: Your horoscope or favourite constellation for example. 
      • Wheel – Hekate and the wheel of fortune

      To incorporate symbols into your nail art, you can use nail stickers, stamping plates, or freehand painting. Choose symbols that resonate with your current intentions and goals.

      Historical text about sigils

      L0076356 Figure of hand showing cabbalistic signs and sigils” by The Public Domain Review is marked with Public Domain Mark 1.0.

      3. Creating and Using Sigils

      Sigils are personalised symbols created to represent specific desires or intentions. They are incredibly versatile and can be incorporated into nail art for a bespoke magical boost.

      How to Create a Sigil:

      1. Write down your intention in a clear, positive statement (e.g., “I am confident”).
      2. Remove any repeating letters and vowels (leaving you with “MCFDNT”).
      3. Combine the remaining letters into a unique symbol.
      4. Charge the sigil with your intention by focusing on it and visualizing your desire coming true.

      Once your sigil is created, you can paint it onto your nails. You can keep it simple with a single nail featuring the sigil, or repeat the design across multiple nails for added power.

      Hand with black nail polish with gold, green and silver holding bottle with label saying 'The Killing Moon'

      The Killing Moon” by Lelê Breveglieri is licensed under CC BY 2.0.

      4. Enchanting Your Nail Tools and Polishes

      Before starting your manicure, take a moment to cleanse and charge your nail tools and polishes. Here’s how:

      • Cleansing: Use smoke, or incense to cleanse your tools of any lingering energies.
      • Charging: Hold your tools and polishes in your hands, close your eyes, and visualise them being filled with your desired energy. You can also place them under the moonlight or sunlight to absorb lunar or solar energy.

      5. Infusing Oils and Lotions

      Anointing your nails and cuticles with charged oils or lotions can add an extra layer of magic to your manicure. Choose oils that correspond to your intentions:

      • Lavender: Calm and relaxation.
      • Rose: Love and beauty.
      • Peppermint: Energy and clarity.
      • Citrus Oils: Joy and positivity.

      As you massage the oil or lotion into your nails, visualize your intentions being absorbed into your body.

      Halloween nail art, orange, black and white nail polish with bat and pumpkins

      Image” by waluntain is marked with Public Domain Mark 1.0.

      6. Using Crystals

      Crystals can amplify the energy of your manicure. Here are some ways to incorporate them:

      • Gemstone Nail Art: Use small crystals or gemstones as accents on your nails. Clear quartz, amethyst, and rose quartz are popular choices.
      • Crystal-Infused Polishes: Some nail polishes are infused with crystal energy. Look for these special polishes or make your own by placing a small, cleansed crystal in the bottle.
      • Crystal Charging: Hold your hands over a crystal grid while focusing on your intentions, allowing the crystals to amplify your desires.

      7. Meditative Manicures

      Transform your manicure routine into a meditative practice. As you paint your nails, focus on your breathing and visualize your intentions with each brushstroke. This mindfulness can enhance the magical energy of your manicure.

      Star wars themed nail art with stars, light sabre and darth vader

      Image” by waluntain is marked with Public Domain Mark 1.0.

      8. Seasonal and Lunar Alignments

      Align your manicures with the seasons or lunar phases for added potency. For example:

      • Spring: Focus on growth and renewal with pastel colors and floral designs.
      • Summer: Embrace vitality and abundance with bright, bold colors and sun symbols.
      • Autumn: Reflect on balance and gratitude with earthy tones and leaf motifs.
      • Winter: Invoke introspection and protection with dark, rich colors and snowflake designs.

      Similarly, align your manicures with the lunar phases:

      • New Moon: Set new intentions and use colors like white or silver.
      • Waxing Moon: Focus on growth and use colors like green or blue.
      • Full Moon: Manifest and celebrate with gold or silver.
      • Waning Moon: Release and banish with black or dark purple.
      Red haired with performing ritual in forest with black nail polish

      Witch” by freestocks.org is marked with CC0 1.0.

      9. Ritual Manicures

      Create a full ritual around your manicure for a deeply immersive magical experience:

      1. Set the Scene: Light candles, burn incense, and play soothing music.
      2. Cleanse: Start with a cleansing hand soak in salt water or a herbal infusion.
      3. Intention Setting: Before starting, take a moment to meditate and clearly set your intentions for the manicure.
      4. Nail Art: Apply your chosen colors, symbols, or sigils with focused intention.
      5. Final Blessing: Once your nails are dry, hold your hands over your heart and visualize your intentions being empowered.

      By infusing your manicure routine with these magical practices, you not only enhance your personal style but also harness the power of witchcraft in your everyday life. Whether it’s through color magic, symbols, sigils, or crystals, each element adds a layer of intention and energy, making your manicure truly spellbinding. Happy enchanting!

      Do you pratice magickal manicures in your beauty routine? If so let me know below as I love to hear more witchy beauty and lifestyle tips, so why not follow me on social media? 

      @Bunnypudding (Tiktok) / @Bunnyscopes (Instagram)

      Until Next time! 

      Love Ems x X

      Profile picture image credit:  “Arianna G. Davis and Ally Harvest Enjoying Their Manicures” by Channing in The City is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0.

      How to make Moon Water 

      UK Tarot Reader and Witch Emma teaches us about the enchanting world of Moon water and the ways it supercharges your witchcraft.

      The New Moon is in Virgo on the 15th September so I thought it would be timely to learn more about the enchanting world of Moon water and the ways it supercharges your witchcraft. Whether you’re a seasoned witch or just dipping your toes into the magical waters, harnessing the power of the Moon and its cycles can add a celestial touch to your craft. Plus….it’s really bloody fun. Who doesn’t like making a lil ceremony out of things, huh? 

      Today, we’re gonna dive into the process of making Moon water during the new Moon and explore the ways you can use this elixir in your spells and rituals.

      Making Moon Water: 

      How to make Moon water from your very own home is simple, just follow the below instructions. 

      What you will need to make moon water:

      • A clean glass or crystal container – preferably with a lid
      • Pure, clean water – spring or filtered works best and tap is fine
      • A quiet, sacred space under the night sky – if you don’t have access to any outdoor space then a shelf or window sill works. 
      • Patience and intent – Make sure you know what your New Moon intentions are before you begin the Moon Water process. 

      A witch holding a glass of wine” by freestocks.org is marked with CC0 1.0.

      How to make Moon Water: 

      Now you have everything that you need please follow these next steps to make your New Moon Water. 

      • Choose Your Moon Water  Container: Select a clear, glass or crystal container for your Moon water. The container should be clean and free from any contaminants especially if you plan to drink the water. If you can only get clear plastic etc that is fine. 
      • Setting the Stage: Find a quiet, sacred space outdoors where you can place your container. The new Moon phase is the ideal time to connect with the Moon’s energy, as it represents new beginnings and fresh intentions.If you don’t have access to outside space then you can store your Moon water on a shelf or window sill so it can bask in the Moonlight.
      • Fill Your Container: Pour your chosen water into the container and make sure that it is sealed tight so no little nasties get in there! [Optional] You can also add herbs and other ingredients to help flavour the water and/or build the intent.
      • Select Your Crystal [optional]: Placing a crystal by your water can infuse it with additional energy. Quartz crystals are versatile and work well for most intentions, but you can choose one that resonates with your specific goal. PLEASE NOTE: Putting crystals in the water is risky so please don’t do this or check with an expert before you do if you plan to consume the water.
      • Set Your Intentions: As you place your container in the Moonlight, focus on your intentions for this Moon water. What do you want to manifest in your life? Visualise this goal and set the water with your intent/manifestation. [Optional] You can write down on a piece of paper your goals and leave by the Moon water to set your intent and/or you can read aloud your intentions when placing your water in it’s charging location. I like to use music to get me into the magickal head space as well.
      • Leave It to Charge: Leave the container under the Moonlight for the entire night, ideally from the moment the new Moon is visible until dawn. We all have different life and sleep patterns so these times may vary.
      • Retrieve Your Moon Water: When you wake up, collect your container. Your Moon water is now charged with the energy of the new Moon and your intentions. 

      Now,  it’s time to use that Moon water to make some magick and there are plenty of ways to use Moon water in your practice. 

      Witch” by freestocks.org is marked with CC0 1.0.

      The Witchy Uses of Moon Water

      Now that you’ve crafted yourself some snazzy lil’  Moon water, let’s explore the fascinating ways you can integrate it into your witchcraft. We’ll go more in depth into these ways in further posts but for a general idea: 

       Spellwork and Rituals: Moon water is a versatile ingredient in spellcasting. Use it to consecrate tools, anoint candles, or enhance the potency of your spells.

       Cleansing and Purification: Sprinkle Moon water around your home to cleanse and purify the energy. You can also add a few drops to your bath for a spiritually refreshing experience.

      Housework: If you really want to go all the way when it comes to purification and cleansing your space, you can even use Moon water in your housework and daily chores. Adding Moon water to a mix of water and salt is a fabulous cleanser for your floor. Mirror magic? Mixing Moon water with salt and vinegar is great for cleaning your mirrors which capture a lot of energy and can be powerful tools for spell work.

      You could even use a larger container especially for the storaging of Moon water for use in cleansing your home throughout the cycle. Now, that is dedication!

      Divination Enhancer: Dab Moon water on your third eye (forehead) before a tarot reading or scrying session to enhance your intuitive abilities. You could also do this before bed to encourage psychic dreams. 

      Meditation Aid: Sip a small amount of Moon water before meditation or bedtime  to help you connect with your inner self and the lunar energies.

      The Maiden” by fuzzcat is licensed under CC BY 2.0.

      Dream Magic: Place a glass of Moon water on your nightstand to encourage lucid and vivid dreaming. Some witches believe it aids in dream interpretation. Putting Moon water on your pulse points before bed can also encourage intuitive dreams. 

      Charging Crystals and Talismans: Use Moon water to cleanse and charge your crystals and talismans, amplifying their metaphysical properties.

       Anointing Tools: Dip your wand, or other magical tools in Moon water to enhance their magical potency. Also great for jewellery and other magical apprael. 

      Blessing and Protection: Create a protective circle by sprinkling Moon water around your sacred space before rituals or spellcasting.

      Beauty and Self-Care: Incorporate moon water into your skincare routine to promote clear, radiant skin and a sense of inner and outer beauty. You can even use Moon water in the bath and wash your face and hair with that extra magical touch. Just make sure to visualise what you are manifesting as you do.

       Manifestation: Use Moon water to water plants, symbolizing the nurturing of your intentions and goals (more on this later in the month!). You can also drink it as you visualise your manifestation goals 

      Cooking and Kitchen Witchery – Using Moon water as an ingredient and to boil things such as tea or pasta helps adds a little extra magic into your meals. You can also use a few drops within stocks to freeze and spread the intention through the Month. Nice! 

      More Magical recipes here

      Crafting Moon water during the new Moon and infusing it with your intentions is a delightful way to tap into the Moon’s magical energy. It’s certainly one of the simplest ways to get into practicing monthly rituals and is for beginner witches.  Whether you’re using it in spellwork, cleansing, or self-care, the possibilities for its uses can be tailored to your practice! So, grab your crystals, set your intentions, and let the magic of Moon water help energenise your magic and manifestations 🌙🔮✨

      Super Moon Over Water by Beach” by PictureKat is licensed under CC BY 2.0.

      When is the next New Moon? 

      The next New Moon is 15th September 2023 and will be in Virgo. This is the best time to set your intentions due to it being the last New Moon before Eclipse Season kick starts from 14th October. Eclipses can be chaotic so I don’t personally manifest during time (I learn from my mistakes!) so I use this time to plant the seeds and build the foundations of what I am manifesting before taking a lil break until after eclipse season ends on the 28th Oct. 

      The remaining New Moons for 2023 are: 

      14th October 2023

      • New Moon – New Hunter’s Moon

      13th November 2023 

      • New Moon – New Beaver Moon

      12th December 2023 

      • New Moon – New Cold Moon

      Have I  inspired you to make moon water or use it in a different way? I hope so and as always we’d love to hear here from you at Digital Coven HQ so let us know in the below comments or via socials. 

      Enquiries? We’ve created this magick little contact form here for enquires and questions.

      Until Next time, 

      Love, Emma 

      [@Bunnypudding (Tiktok) / @Bunnyscopes (Instagram) ]

      Image Credit Main image