Magickal Manicures: Incorporating Witchcraft into Nail Art

Witchy nails? Yes, please! Add some magic into your manicure routine with Emma’s top tips.

Magickal Manicures

Manicures have long been a way to express personal style and creativity, but they can also be a powerful tool for manifesting intentions and channeling magical energy. My belief is that if it’s something that you enjoy and take pride in, that it’s something that you can utilse to empower yourself spiritually. Things such as music, cooking, dancing, driving, art, fashion, interiors… can all be used as part of your daily spiritual practice. By incorporating symbols, sigils, and specific colors into your nail art, you can transform your manicure into a spell on your fingertips. Whether you’re a seasoned witch or new to the craft, here are some enchanting ideas to make your manicures more magical.

Person painting nails pink base colour with red hearts

Best Organic Nail Polish” by gm.esthermax is licensed under CC BY 2.0.

1. Choosing the Right Colors

Colours carry potent energies and vibrations that can influence your mood and intentions. When selecting nail polish colors for a magical manicure, consider the following associations:

  • Red: Passion, energy, courage, strength, and love.
  • Pink: Romance, friendship, compassion, and self-love.
  • Orange: Creativity, enthusiasm, success, and joy.
  • Yellow: Happiness, clarity, intellect, and communication.
  • Green: Growth, abundance, healing, and balance.
  • Blue: Calm, wisdom, protection, and intuition.
  • Purple: Spirituality, psychic abilities, mystery, and transformation.
  • Black: Protection, grounding, banishing negativity, and introspection.
  • White: Purity, peace, truth, and new beginnings.
  • Gold/Silver: Wealth, success, and lunar/solar energy.

Also don’t forget to have fun! You can mix and match any colours you want, this is your expression.

Witch themed nail art with purple night sky, yellow moon and black cat

Image” by waluntain is marked with Public Domain Mark 1.0.

2. Incorporating Symbols

Symbols are powerful tools in witchcraft, representing various aspects of life and the universe. Adding these to your nail art can enhance your intentions. Here are some common symbols and their meanings:

  • Pentacle: Protection, balance, and harmony.
  • Triquetra: The triple goddess, eternity, and the threefold nature of life.
  • Ankh: Life, immortality, and the divine feminine.
  • Moon Phases: Different phases for different intentions (new moon for beginnings, full moon for completion, etc.).
  • Runes: Each rune has its own meaning, from protection (Algiz) to joy (Wunjo).
  • Stars: Your horoscope or favourite constellation for example. 
  • Wheel – Hekate and the wheel of fortune

To incorporate symbols into your nail art, you can use nail stickers, stamping plates, or freehand painting. Choose symbols that resonate with your current intentions and goals.

Historical text about sigils

L0076356 Figure of hand showing cabbalistic signs and sigils” by The Public Domain Review is marked with Public Domain Mark 1.0.

3. Creating and Using Sigils

Sigils are personalised symbols created to represent specific desires or intentions. They are incredibly versatile and can be incorporated into nail art for a bespoke magical boost.

How to Create a Sigil:

  1. Write down your intention in a clear, positive statement (e.g., “I am confident”).
  2. Remove any repeating letters and vowels (leaving you with “MCFDNT”).
  3. Combine the remaining letters into a unique symbol.
  4. Charge the sigil with your intention by focusing on it and visualizing your desire coming true.

Once your sigil is created, you can paint it onto your nails. You can keep it simple with a single nail featuring the sigil, or repeat the design across multiple nails for added power.

Hand with black nail polish with gold, green and silver holding bottle with label saying 'The Killing Moon'

The Killing Moon” by Lelê Breveglieri is licensed under CC BY 2.0.

4. Enchanting Your Nail Tools and Polishes

Before starting your manicure, take a moment to cleanse and charge your nail tools and polishes. Here’s how:

  • Cleansing: Use smoke, or incense to cleanse your tools of any lingering energies.
  • Charging: Hold your tools and polishes in your hands, close your eyes, and visualise them being filled with your desired energy. You can also place them under the moonlight or sunlight to absorb lunar or solar energy.

5. Infusing Oils and Lotions

Anointing your nails and cuticles with charged oils or lotions can add an extra layer of magic to your manicure. Choose oils that correspond to your intentions:

  • Lavender: Calm and relaxation.
  • Rose: Love and beauty.
  • Peppermint: Energy and clarity.
  • Citrus Oils: Joy and positivity.

As you massage the oil or lotion into your nails, visualize your intentions being absorbed into your body.

Halloween nail art, orange, black and white nail polish with bat and pumpkins

Image” by waluntain is marked with Public Domain Mark 1.0.

6. Using Crystals

Crystals can amplify the energy of your manicure. Here are some ways to incorporate them:

  • Gemstone Nail Art: Use small crystals or gemstones as accents on your nails. Clear quartz, amethyst, and rose quartz are popular choices.
  • Crystal-Infused Polishes: Some nail polishes are infused with crystal energy. Look for these special polishes or make your own by placing a small, cleansed crystal in the bottle.
  • Crystal Charging: Hold your hands over a crystal grid while focusing on your intentions, allowing the crystals to amplify your desires.

7. Meditative Manicures

Transform your manicure routine into a meditative practice. As you paint your nails, focus on your breathing and visualize your intentions with each brushstroke. This mindfulness can enhance the magical energy of your manicure.

Star wars themed nail art with stars, light sabre and darth vader

Image” by waluntain is marked with Public Domain Mark 1.0.

8. Seasonal and Lunar Alignments

Align your manicures with the seasons or lunar phases for added potency. For example:

  • Spring: Focus on growth and renewal with pastel colors and floral designs.
  • Summer: Embrace vitality and abundance with bright, bold colors and sun symbols.
  • Autumn: Reflect on balance and gratitude with earthy tones and leaf motifs.
  • Winter: Invoke introspection and protection with dark, rich colors and snowflake designs.

Similarly, align your manicures with the lunar phases:

  • New Moon: Set new intentions and use colors like white or silver.
  • Waxing Moon: Focus on growth and use colors like green or blue.
  • Full Moon: Manifest and celebrate with gold or silver.
  • Waning Moon: Release and banish with black or dark purple.
Red haired with performing ritual in forest with black nail polish

Witch” by is marked with CC0 1.0.

9. Ritual Manicures

Create a full ritual around your manicure for a deeply immersive magical experience:

  1. Set the Scene: Light candles, burn incense, and play soothing music.
  2. Cleanse: Start with a cleansing hand soak in salt water or a herbal infusion.
  3. Intention Setting: Before starting, take a moment to meditate and clearly set your intentions for the manicure.
  4. Nail Art: Apply your chosen colors, symbols, or sigils with focused intention.
  5. Final Blessing: Once your nails are dry, hold your hands over your heart and visualize your intentions being empowered.

By infusing your manicure routine with these magical practices, you not only enhance your personal style but also harness the power of witchcraft in your everyday life. Whether it’s through color magic, symbols, sigils, or crystals, each element adds a layer of intention and energy, making your manicure truly spellbinding. Happy enchanting!

Do you pratice magickal manicures in your beauty routine? If so let me know below as I love to hear more witchy beauty and lifestyle tips, so why not follow me on social media? 

@Bunnypudding (Tiktok) / @Bunnyscopes (Instagram)

Until Next time! 

Love Ems x X

Profile picture image credit:  “Arianna G. Davis and Ally Harvest Enjoying Their Manicures” by Channing in The City is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0.