Win – A copy of ‘The Modern Craft’ & other goodies!

Ahhhhhh we are sooooo excited to share this with you, Coven!

The Celebrate the release of the launch of ‘The Modern Craft’ Edited by Claire Askew & Alice Tarbuck we have partnered with Watkins Publishing to offer 3 lucky Digital Coven followers one of their ‘The Modern Craft’ Book Lunch Bundles.

How To Enter:

The bundles include a copy of the book which is released 14th June 2022. To enter please leave your details below (Don’t worry we won’t use them for anything else) to enter the prize draw. To get a futher entry please visit our instagram to take part in our Instagram giveaway.

Entry Form:

Two books are on offer in a prize draw so Just fill out this form to enter. You can get a second entry into the competition by following digital coven over on Instgram and commenting on this post what The Modern Craft means to you.

Closing Date for Entries is 30th June 2022

About ‘The Modern Craft’

Edited Claire Askew & Alice Tarbuck

Launch: 14TH JUNE 2022
Price: £12.99 / $16.95

Amazon Link (Digital Coven Affiliate)

Amazon Non Affiliate: Amazon

An eclectic and radical collection of essays on witchcraft practice and the ethics of magic, The Modern Craft gives that much-needed modern context to timeless wisdom. It offers a fascinating snapshot of Powerful voices on witchcraft ethics and contemporary occult practice viewed through an intersectional lens.

Touching on a number of timely conversations, essay topics include:

  • the ethics of decolonization
  • meditations on what it means to honour
  • Mother Earth during the Anthropocene
  • the reclamation of agency for workingclass & queer witches through spellwork
  • a gender-fluid perspective on breaking
  • down hierarchies in magical symbolism
  • a day in the life of a disabled Pagan
  • Irish practitioner

The book features contributions from Claire Askew, Lisa Marie, Basile, Stella Hervey Birrell, Jane Claire Bradley, Madelyn Burnhope, Lilith Dorsey, AW Earl, Harry Josephine Giles, Simone Kotva, Iona Lee,
Briana Pegado, Megan Rudden, Sabrina Scott, Em Still and Alice Tarbuck.

Offering inspiring glimpses from the brink of the contemporary Craft, these essays show how anyone, no matter who they are, can find positivity and the force for change in the subversive unknown.

With courage, conviction, and a
fierce love and respect for the
craft, this fiery collection is poised
to spark vital conversations and
radical change in the world of
witchcraft and beyond.

Kristen J. Sollée, author of Witches, Sluts, Feminists and
Witch Hunt

We’ve also got a few more oher suprises for this launch, so what this space Coven!

If you wish to be featured in our #WitchyType Book Club email list please use our sign up form here

You can also continue the coversation over on our social channels as wel love to hear from you:



Until next time, Stay dazzling!


The Witchy Type Book Club Launch

Well hello there, Coven!

How art thou? I know we’ve been quiet for a ‘wee’ bit as our beloved North London Witch would say but we assure you it’s because we’ve been manifesting some fabulous projects to share with you.

Our first project, Witchy Type, is very close to our hearts as we are both avid readers and learned the majority of our knowledge about the craft via books. Both of us have curated extensive libraries of Witch related material throughout the years and these are available for loan to Digital Coven Followers over on the Witchy Type Book Depository along with our Witchy Type Book Club List.

Book witch” by mkhall is marked with CC BY 2.0.

Witchy Type Book Reviews

We will be performing regular book reviews on titles that we simply love and recommend that you read alongside newer releases. We will make sure to highlight when these books are gifted or if there are any affiliation links featured.

Will we be reviewing anything else? Of course, Tarot and Oracles decks will be featured alongside other fabulous printed witch products. If you have any recommendations, let us know!

Find out more about our Witchy Book Reviews here

Witchy Type Book Club

Well, this is a Coven after all and we don’t want to be doing this on our own as that would be rather boring! So we will be holding regular book clubs on zoom for selected titles where we can all discuss the book and share ideas. Want to take part? Just fill in this form and we will email you details we will of course be sharing all dates via our digital coven social channels.

Find out more about our WitchyType Book Club  here

Want to submit a book for review? Simply email us the details to or leave a comment below.

We’re super excited to share this with you and make sure to let us know your thoughts and ideas below in the comments or you can always reach out via our social channels:

