WitchyType Book Club: Review: The Witches Workshop 

The Witchy Type Book Club reviews The Witches Workshop by Melissa Jayne Madara. A great read for craft loving and practical witches!

Please note that this product was gifted and that the post may feature affiliate links. Click here for more info on this. All reviews are honest, and we are selective about what we publish as we have a very large reading pile to choose from, and your (The Coven) trust is the most important thing to us. ❤ 

About the Author: 

Melissa Jayne Madara , magical expert, herbalist and witch, shares 60+ unique projects and techniques, many of which revive spells from the history of witches past. Approachable for beginners and stimulating for established practitioners, the crafts are clearly explained through luscious photographs, detailed research, useful charts, and easy-to-follow instructions. 

The Witchy Type Book Review: 

Ah, The Witches Workshop: A guide to Crafting your own Magical tools – I was excited to receive this in post. It’s sturdy and well made and the illustrations are printed to a very high standard, so we’re already winning when it comes to the sensory experience. Now, regarding its contents, from the author of The Witch’s Feast, it’s a fully illustrated, comprehensive introduction to the handicrafts of witchcraft. Through over 60 craft projects, it promises to help you learn all the techniques you need to create your personalised magical toolkit. Sounds fabulous to be honest, and flicking through the pages a few crafts already caught my attention. Magic Ink? Candles, you say?…I’m listening. 

Picture of the book front cover of The Witches Workshop By Melissa Jayne Madara

Image Credit Amazon: 

Considering myself a crafty type of person (A lot of Pisces in this birth chart) I decided to get to work on reviewing its contents and choosing a project or two to try (more content on this in later posts).  Fortunately, it’s an in-depth guide, accompanied by step-by-step images, so it wasn’t too hard to get to grips with some of the more simple craft projects, but some ingredients required maybe require more effort than a trip to your local store but not too hard to come by. 

The book is split into 7 categories which adds to the fun: 

Incense, including kyphi temple incense, which once billowed from the temples of ancient Egypt, to house blessing incense for cleansing any new home.

Inks, including dragon’s blood ink and botanical drawing charcoals.

Oils, such as flying ointment or the world’s first known chemist Tapputi’s royal salve.

Natural dyes for creating stunning eco-printed ritual gowns or a spring equinox altar tablecloth.

Papers, like Japanese knotweed paper or autumn equinox corn husk paper.

Powders essential for rituals and spells such as scrying powder and banishing salt.

Candles of all shapes and types, including poured, dipped and molded.

I really enjoyed this book and found myself returning to it a lot so I recommend it as an addition to any witchy library and as a gift. 

Well researched and full of knowledge, it advises how you can create altars, rituals and spells that are targeted to your intention, personal and in touch with your natural environment. 

Are you a crafty witch or aspire to be? If so let us know below or via our social channels and of course, make sure to share your project recommendations as we certainly are getting into our craft zone this Spring! Watch this space for more posts on the crafts from A Witches Workshop as we continue to delve into the projects. 

Until next time, darlings! 

Ems xX

@Bunnypudding (Tiktok) / @Bunnyscopes (Instagram)

Witchy Type Book Club Review: Seasons For The Soul -Julia Van Den Bosch

Witchy Type Book Club Review: Emma reviews ‘Seasons For The Soul’ -Julia Van Den Bosh

Seasons For The Soul: Spells Of Nature 

The Embroidered Art of Julia Van Den Bosch 

Please note that this book was gifted for a review and may feature some affiliate links. For more information on our affiliate policy click here.

I was excited to receive this book. I had recently taken up embroidery as a hobby so a book mixing this current hyper fixation with witchcraft was always going to excite me. I wasn’t disappointed. I was presented with a book that expressed the beauty and magic of nature seen through the eye of a needle. The author uses hand embroidery in its traditional role of storytelling to share personal insights on nature’s gifts. Each stitch holds the emotion of the moment and keeps a record. Written during the pandemic, the book tells the story of the companionship and healing offered by the seasons during the enforced isolation of the pandemic, and how it enabled the artist to find beauty in solitude in their garden and beyond.

The imagery is beautiful and I admit that it got me started on a few hand embroidery projects, which made me appreciate Van Den Bosh skill even more. This style of embroidery is HARD. 

Close Up Of Handembroidered Flower by Julia van den Bosch

Image Credit: Link  

Name: Seasons for the Soul: Spells Of Nature – The Embroidered Art of Julia Van Den Bosch

Author: Julia Van Den Bosch

Amazon Link [Affiliate]: https://amzn.to/49dkuMh

Publisher: Unicorn Publishing 

Release Date: 29th March 2024 

About the Author: 

Julia Spent her childhood in the Kent countryside and now lives happily with her family of animals in an old cottage in Surrey (Sounds Fabulous!) 

After an exciting period of flying on Concorde, she reconnected with her spiritual side and decided to rediscover the gift of the smaller, yet still miraculous, marvels that lay within her own garden instead. Rediscovering her creative side, she found hand embroidery was the perfect way for her to share the beauty and magical life of nature, in all its sumptuous colour, texture and detail. She now shares these passions in her latest book. 


I really enjoyed this book upon first reading and have found myself coming back to it. The imagery is something that I find myself revisiting so it would make a fantastic artist reference or coffee table book. The author shares unique and elevating insight into herbs, plants, crystals and more which any witch would appreciate. Some of the recipes may have hard to find ingredients but not impossible especially when they are in season. The photography is fantastic and helps bring the embroideries out onto the page, I still wish I could see them in person though! The detail of the work is spellbinding and it makes you begin to see pieces of fabric, old clothing and some cotton in a completely new way, Oh the possibilities! 

I mean look at this: 

Hand embroidered wild mushrooms by Julia van den Bosch

Image Credit Link: 

Rating: 8.5

Overall I really liked this book and it certainly will get any crafty types reaching for their sewing kit and practicing free hand embroidery. It would be a great gift for someone who is a professional or budding seamstress, crafter, or just ADHD afflicted like me and looking for some creative inspiration.  

Do you use craft and embroidery in any of your witchcraft, coven? If so let us know below or via our social channels. 

Until next time, darlings! 

Love, Ems 

@Bunnypudding (Tiktok) / @Bunnyscopes (Instagram)

Profile image link here

Witchy Type: A Review of ‘The Mystical Journaling Kit’ by Maia Toll” #gifted

WitchyType Reviews: “The Mystical Journaling Kit” by Maia Toll, a mini companion for those looking to add a touch of magic to their daily journaling practice

(Note: The rating is based on the kit’s uniqueness, practicality, and its potential to resonate with both journaling enthusiasts and those interested in mystical elements. The product was gifted in return for an honest review, more details are available on our review policy here)

Ahoy there, fellow book enthusiasts! Today, I’m thrilled to share my thoughts on “The Mystical Journaling Kit” by Maia Toll, a delightful companion for those looking to add a touch of magic to their daily journaling practice.

I’ve previously written about having issues with my morning journaling so I really pleased when it landed on my doorstep. As someone who values both creativity and self-reflection, I was immediately drawn to this kit’s promise of blending practicality with mysticism.

So, let’s get going with the review, huh?

Release date: 28th September 2023 

Where to buy? 

You can get it from the following stores (the amazon link is from my affiliate marketplace, more details here

Mystical Journaling Kit Product Review: 

Kit includes: 

  • 7 Stamps
  • 1 Gold Ink Pad 
  • 1 Quartz stone 
  • 1 Instruction book 
  • 3 Sticker sheets 

The heart of this kit is a petite yet profound mini book that’s just 2 1/2 x 3 inches in size. It’s packed with wisdom and guidance on how to initiate and nurture a magical journaling journey. Whether you’re a novice or seasoned journalist, you’ll appreciate the practical advice it provides. Please note that half of this book is blank space which offers a place to kickstart your own magical musings – but the practical side of the kit itself is what is intended for long term use, so I’d recommend getting a snazzy notebook as well if you really wish to delve into journaling regularly using the rest of the kit. 

The fun practical elements that make this kit truly magical include 7 moon phase stamps and a metallic gold ink pad. These stamps allow you to chart the lunar cycles in your journal. For me, this added an extra dimension to my journaling, allowing me to be more organised in my recordings and keeping me in tune with the cosmos. If I want to use the stamps I need to know which moon phase we’re in, right?!  So I’ve certainly kept more up to date on the celestial weather report. 

I’m not even gonna lie, I didn’t wait until I ‘d read the book to get going with testing the stamps and ink on the empty pages – and I wasn’t disappointed. I hadn’t noted that the ink was GOLD so when I saw the first stamp imprinted on the paper I was generally surprised and delighted (It honestly, doesn’t take much days) 

You may have noted, dear reader, that I am a bit of a practical Witch so when the sticker sheets fell out of the back of the stamps packaging, I immediately started pondering how to use them. What’s journaling without a bit of personal flair? The three small sticker sheets, adorned with whimsical, magical illustrations are a fun addition but you don’t loads but two of those stickers are bunnies, so again, yey. 

The kit includes a clear quartz crystal, a tiny gem (1/2 inch in length) that encourages moments of reflection and clarity before embarking on your journaling journey. It’s a simple yet powerful addition that sets the tone for a mindful experience.

While “The Mystical Journaling Kit” is undoubtedly enchanting, it might not be everyone’s cup of tea. Those who prefer a strictly pragmatic approach to journaling might find the mystical elements a tad whimsical. However, if you’re open to embracing a touch of magic and mindfulness in your writing, this kit promises a one-of-a-kind, enchanting experience.

Worth getting? Maia Toll’s “The Mystical Journaling Kit” is a treasure for anyone seeking to infuse their daily journaling with a sprinkle of magic. The kit has long term practical benefits and you can use the stamps, stickers and ink for others things as well so it’s not going to end up hidden on a shelf. It’s currently £10.99 so it doesn’t break the bank and could be a little payday treat. 

For a gift? Yes, I think it’s a great beginner kit to provide as a gift with many long term benefits, it’s also in the sweet spot for the ‘gifting’ price range as well. 

Rating: 8/10 

Happy journaling!

Love, Emma (Bunnyscopes) and ( bunnypudding) 

Until next time, darlings! 

Love, Ems 

@Bunnypudding (Tiktok) / @Bunnyscopes (Instagram)

Deck Review: Daily Magic Deck by Maia Toll [Gifted] 

Emma shares her morning rituals as well as reviews the Daily Magic Tarot Deck [Gifted]

It’s easy to get caught up in the chaos of everyday life and to feel guilty about not connecting spiritually as often as you like. There are only so many ways that you can add a bit of magick to a corporate meeting room, right? This is why getting into the habit of performing small daily rituals can really help with maintaining some regularity in your witchcraft practice and provides a center for your day.

I personally like to do my routines first thing in the morning when I’m able (and life often gets in the way so please don’t think I have my life together) These practices include:

  • Morning Coffee & Cinnamon – Stirring some cinnamon into my morning coffee whilst I set my days intentions is a great way to bring some abundance and focus into my groggy mornings
  • Sneaky lil’ Meditation – I try to sneak a quick meditation – which doesn’t have to be longer than a few minutes to help clear your mind. If it’s one of those days then I’ll lay in bed and just clear my mind and plan the day for 10 minutes before I get out of the pit. 
  •  Pulling my tarot cards -Either a 1 or 3 tarot card pull each day to help guide my day. Journaling my tarot readings and patterns  is never a problem, as well, it’s kinda my job so it’s ingrained in me to do it…. but I do find myself staring at an empathy journal page from time to time if I am not using my tarot cards. 
  • Journaling – I feel the need to write throughout the day as the inspiration (and ADHD) flows but for some reason my morning journaling is a weak point if I don’t have a tool. 

Journaling being my soft spot  is why I was delighted to be gifted the Magickal card deck, ‘Daily Magic’ so that I could do a wee honest review.. I am never one to turn down a change to shuffle and pull a few cards and share my opinions so I grabbed my journal and got shuffling. 

Daily Magic:A Deck of Mystical Inspiration for Your Everyday Life

[This Deck was gifted to us for an honest review. There are affiliate links in this post please see our Reviews, gifting and affiliate page for more information]

About the Daily Magic:

Author Maia Toll, also author of ‘Letting Magic In’. 

Illustrated by Susan Burghart

Book Page: Daily Magic: A Deck Of Mystical Inspiration for Your Everyday Life

Description: Tap into your intuition and discover the magic all around you in this mini deck of mystical inspiration, featuring inspiration, mini-rituals and more from award-winning author Maia Toll.

Daily Magic Mystical inspiration deck

Product Review: 

Entitled the Daily Magic: A Deck Of Mystical Inspiration for Your Everyday Life, it certainly looks the part with fabulous shades of green being featured on the deck’s encasing.  The cards also have a gold gilded edge which does please me I won’t lie and it’s currently held up after a few weeks use so this is a good sign. 

Please note if you prefer the larger sized card decks or just have big hands that the deck is on the smaller side  (approx. 2 1/2 X 3″) – perfect for keeping in your palm or pocket and for traveling – which if you are anything like me (A swamp witch who carries a witchy version of a Mary Poppins bag) is a preferred criteria. Everyone likes their cards a certain way and we don’t card shame here.

The booklet is a few pages long, so short but sweet and features Maia’s advice on how to connect to magic in the modern world but doesn’t go too indepth into much detail therefore I’d recommend these cards for people wanting to learn more about spirituality who don’t mind having to research some of the areas that are mentioned on the cards, as well as other Magickal deck lovers. 

The cards feature instructions for spells that you can action over the Lunar Calendar as well as other tips and insights that can help encourage more self insight into your practice. 

The main attraction for me is that they serve as daily prompts to help build a magic routine. I found myself using them for meditating over my morning coffee as well as journaling prompts, which I appreciated on my more groggier mornings. The tips were useful and I have used a few in my practices which do earn brownie points. I have found myself still pulling from the deck, daily and I’ve since given them a home in a tarot bag that my niece brought me for my birthday. Packaging wise, I’d recommend getting a bag to carry your cards in as the packaging that the cards arrive in isn’t great for long term use. 

Example of the witch tips on how to supercharge your magic

Good for gifting?

Yes! – This type of deck makes the perfect gifts for anyone who has expressed an interest in their spiritual side or is openly witchy. They do mention some subjects which a novice may have to find themselves having to research so I wouldn’t recommend it for a beginner who wants a tool where they have everything they need right there and then. Overall, a lovely little gift to give to a friend (or yourself) that has long term use.  


  • A lot of good information and encourages further learning and journal prompts 
  • Large number of cards in the deck 
  • Travel sized .  
  • Gold lined and green hued cards feed my mermaid/pisces dopamine receptors.
  • Friendly tone of voice 


  • The Booklet could be a bit longer but you do get a lot of cards for the price
  • If you are going to use the cards regularly or travel with them, I’d recommend getting a carry bag or case for the cards to keep them in good nick. For light use the packaging is fine and will look pretty on the shelf.
  • If you’re a grumpy cynical person you may find some of the wording fluffy or whimsical at times 



Please note that there are affiliate links on this page. Check our reviews page for more information

Have you used the Daily Magic cards? If so let us know your thoughts down below in the comments or via our social channels. 

Until Next Time, 

Love, Emma 

@Bunnypudding (Tiktok) / @Bunnyscopes (Instagram)

Submit Your Questions! We’re Interviewing Ebony Gheorghe.

Want to ask the fabulous forager Ebony Gheorghea question? Look no futher, we’ll tell you how and all about her new book. Nice.

Exciting news for you Witchytypes, as we have a fabulous opportunity to interview author Ebony Gheorghe and find out more about her upcoming book Enchanted Foraging. Even better, we are offering you the chance to ask Ebony your questions, yey! Read below to find out more.

About Ebony Gheorghe:

Ebony Gheorghe has an academic background in geology and environmental sciences, which naturally informed her love for wild resources, herbalism, and plants. She runs her own business,Nettles and Bees, selling balms, crystals, hair oils, and other products made from foraged materials.

When she’s not working as a lab technician, she offers foraging workshops for children and adults. She lives in Oxfordshire with her husband and daughter. Ebony’s book, Enchanted Foraging is out end of September, details below:

About Echanted Foraging by Ebony Gheorghe

Enchanted Foraging by Ebony Gheorghe celebrates the virtues of the natural world and thespiritual awakening that awaits when we open our hearts to the wisdom of the outdoors.

No matter where you live, natural resources are all around you. These pieces of nature hold inherent powers–and inherent magic–that could be useful to you, and they are often hiding in plain sight. 

The book, divided into chapters by season, you’ll find:

  • Tips for foraging correctly, mindfully, and sustainably
  • Instructions for teas, balms, decoctions, and other herbal remedies made out of foraged ingredients and materials
  • Wildcrafts for rituals that usher in the new season, inspired by mystical folk practices around the world 

And more!

Ooh we can wait to give it a read and we’re even more excited to be chatting to her as well. 

Want to ask a question? 

Please submit a question by Midnight on the 24th September 2023. You can either send us your question in the form via this link or in the comments below.

We will let you know if your question gets selected and answered. If you have any questions, please let us know. 

Until next time, 

Love,Emma [@Bunnypudding (Tiktok) / @Bunnyscopes (Instagram) ]

Witchy Type: 3rd September Book Reviews

Spooky Season is upon us so anyone up for setting up like, a lil book coven? Huh? Also, this weeks books reviews.

It’s finally Spooky Season which is made all the more confusing by the fact that August in the UK was pretty much a wash out but low and behold, we now start September with a lil heatwave … .make it make sense British Weather, please. 

 We already have some fun things planned for September and October so make sure to check in with our events page. We also have details on how you can part take in the ‘Witchy Type’ book club at the bottom of this page, so go check it out! 

Instagram Meme: @Bunnyscopes

As the evenings start to get darker and more cozy, it’s the perfect time to sit down and get all snug with a good book, and this week we have three fabulous titles that we are reviewing.

Digital Coven were gifted copies of the books for us to to provide an unbaised review on the titles. The below copy also includes affiliate links which helps to support with the running of digital coven, check out our review and affiliates policy here. Any questions, please let us know!

Witchy Type Book Reviews 3th September 2023:

‘Letting Magic In’ By  Author Maia Toll.

Description: From Maia Toll, the best-selling author of the Wild Wisdom series and The Night School, comes the enchanted story of her own magical awakening, a journey from Brooklyn to Ireland that will inspire readers to uncover their own inner magic.

“Toll focuses on her own winding path, one that will resonate with seekers.” — People

Book Page: ‘Letting Magic In

Letting Magic In by Maia Toll book bover image

We’re already a few chapters in and we’re really enjoying it. The experience is made even better as we’ve asked to review the author, Maia Toll’s ‘Daily Magic’ Deck as well…and we’ve never turned down a chance to shuffle with a deck here at Digital Coven. Teehehe…

Daily Magic Card Deck by Maia Toll Image

Daily Magic:A Deck of Mystical Inspiration for Your Everyday Life

Author Maia Toll

Book Page: Daily Magic: A Deck Of Mystical Inspiration for Your Everyday Life

Description: Tap into your intuition and discover the magic all around you in this mini deck of mystical inspiration, featuring inspiration, mini-rituals and more from award-winning author Maia Toll.

Ritual: Magical Celebrations of Nature and Community from Around the World

Last but by no means least we have Ritual,from the bestselling author of Practical Magic comes an inspiring, illustrated collection of magical celebrations of nature from around the world—with rituals for incorporating them into your own practice. 

Ritual by Nikki Van De Car Book Cover Image

Ritual: Magical Celebrations of Nature and Community from Around the World

Author: Nikki Van De Car 

Product Link: https://amzn.to/3P68UKS

Description: Nature is what gives us life—it is the source of all magic and power in the world. That is something that humans have understood since the beginning of time, and it is a constant among cultures around the world. However, the ways in which we celebrate it can vary wildly. Bulgarian Baba Marta Day welcomes the arrival of Spring with Martenitsas, little talismans of red and white string, while in Southeast Asia, that same yearly event is celebrated during Holi, a joyful, riotous dance of colors. Yalda, Soyal, Saturnalia, Dong Zhi, and St.Lucia’s Day (from Iran, Arizona, Ancient Rome, China, and Scandinavia) are all very different—but they all honor the Winter Solstice. 

Fancy Joining The Witchy Type Book Club?

If losing ones self to a pile of books sounds like a fabulous time and you’re abit of a bookworm then why then why don’t you join our ‘Witchy Type’ book club in time for Spooky Season? Click here to find out more about #WitchyType and sign up for the on the form here and the we’ll will be in touch. 

As always, remember to let us know of any book recommendations that you’d like us to review and please, let us know your thoughts on any titles we mention as we love to hear from you. 

Phew, we certainly have a lot of reading to do *pretends not to see the ceiling high ‘To Read’ pile by bed* so off we go to make the most of this chilled Sunday.

Until next time, 


Emma [@Bunnypudding (Tiktok) / @Bunnyscopes (Instagram)]

Witchy Type Book Club *Competition* The Strange Inheritence of Leah Fern

Hello Coven,

To celebrate the launch of The Strange Inheritence of Leah Fern by Rita Zoey Chin we are hosting a competition over on our Instagram

The Competition Details are as follows:


To enter:

  • Winner will be announced on Halloween! (UK entrants only – sorry!)

We will also be publishing our review of the book and hosting our #WitchyType book club in two weeks to discuss all things Leah Fern. Can’t wait to chat about it with you all ❤



Until next time, Stay dazzling!

Love, Ems

#Witchtype Book Review: Our Crooked Hearts By Melissa Albert 

#WitchyType book club reviews ‘Our Crooked Hearts’ by Melissa Albert.

#witchytype book club is our fabulous digital book club where we read books and share our thought via these reviews and on our digital channels. 

Check out our book list here for the upcoming books that we will be reviewing: https://digital-coven.com/witchytype-book-club/

Including the upcoming witchcraft, Tarot and spiritual books that we are going to be reviewing as well as books and goodies that you can win in competitions. We also have the Digital Coven book depository with Witchcraft, Tarot and spiritual books available to borrow or lend out. If you want to donate or borrow a book from our book depository, you can find out what books are available in our sharing network here: https://digital-coven.com/witchy-type-book-club-and-depository/

Our Crooked Hearts Back Cover UK

About The Book: 

This week we have a fabulous book by Melissa Albert to review, Our Crooked Hearts. A young adult fiction novel spanning decades. 

This was #gifted to us for review but all of our views are honest so rest assured we’d never recommend anything we don’t like. Our Review and Affiliate link disclosure are located here.

Reviewed By: Emma aka Bunnypudding 

Amazon Link: Our Crooked Hearts 

Author Page: Melissa Albert

The Synopsis:

Secrets. Lies. Witchcraft… This is OUR CROOKED HEARTS, a gripping mystery crossed with a pitch-dark tale of modern-day witchcraft, perfect for YA and adult readers.

A dark, compelling and magical suburban fantasy, Melissa Albert takes two women from one family line and seamlessly interweaves a tale of past and present, familiarity and uncanny, light and darkness. It’s a story of mothers and their daughters and of difficult relationships, a story of impossible choices and of secrets held close in the dark; of manipulation for good, bad and for worse… 

About The Author:

Melissa Albert is the New York Times and indie bestselling author of the Hazel Wood series (The Hazel Wood, The Night Country, Tales from the Hinterland) and a former bookseller and YA lit blogger. Her work has been translated into more than twenty languages and included in the New York Times list of Notable Children’s Books. She lives in Brooklyn with her family.

Melissa Albert Author
Melissa Albert

What others say: 

‘EVERY LINE READS LIKE AN INCANTATION, and the result is a book pulsing with magic, one that holds the reader firmly under its spell.’ – V.E. Schwab, bestselling author of The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue

‘A RIVETING STORY THAT GRIPS YOU LIKE A SPELL until you’re too deep to emerge unscathed! Once again, Melissa Albert reveals the power of magic within a daughter’s grasp and the love of imperfect mothers.” Angeline Boulley, author of Firekeeper’s Daughter

EERIE, EVOCATIVE, AND ELECTRIFYINGLY BRILLIANT. I was immediately gripped from the very first page and completely compelled throughout. I already can’t wait to reread it. Melissa Albert’s writing is magic made real.Katherine Webber, author of The Revelry

Digital Coven #Witchytype review: 

I usually don’t take to young adult novels but the book was gifted to me by a PR and the story looked interesting so I agreed to give it a read. I wasn’t disappointed, as a teenager, I would’ve gobbled this up in an evening. It had an interesting storyline with actual surprises and wasn’t full of cliques and was very well written. The imagery is fabulous and the characters are interesting enough that you wish to find out what the actual truth is. The author creates a very spooky atmosphere and I’d certainly read another book by this author and I say that as someone who prefers darker more adult stories. Highly recommended for a YA fiction book. 


3.8 cats out of 5 cats 

What about you, have you read the book or plan to? If so let us know below in the comments or via our social channels. 

Until Next time, Coven!  

Emma (Bunny Pudding) 

Digital Coven Logo

#WitchyType Book Review: Wicca Herbal Magic by Lisa Chamberlain

The #WitchyType Book club reviews Wicca Herbal Magic by Lisa Chamberlain.

Hello there Coven! 

We’ve recently launched the #witchytype book club which is where we read books and share our thoughts on themas well as opening the floor via our digital channels (And upcoming book clubs) to hear your thoughts too.

Check out our book list here: https://digital-coven.com/witchytype-book-club/

Including the upcoming witchcraft, Tarot and spiritual books that we are going to be reviewing as well as books and goodies that you can win in competitions. We also have the Digital Coven book depository with Witchcraft, Tarot and spiritual books available to borrow or lend out. If you want to donate or borrow a book from our book depository, you can find out what books are available in our sharing network here: 

This was gifted to us for review but all of our views are honest so rest assured we’d never recommend anything we don’t like. Our Review and Affiliate link disclosure are located here

About The Book:

Today we are reviewing  Wicca Herbal Magic A Beginner’s Guide to Herbal Spellcraft  By Lisa Chamberlain. 

Myself and  AJ don’t practice Wicca so this review is based on a novice reading the book – if you’ve read the book we’d love to hear your thoughts! 

Reviewed By: Emma aka Bunnypudding 

Hardback: https://amzn.to/3w7IJKg

Paperback: https://amzn.to/3w4LGvd

So let’s dive in. 

The Synopsis: 

Since the beginning of human history, healers and shamans have understood the nutritional, medicinal, and magical properties of herbs. Whether you’re well versed in magic but are just discovering herbs, or are new to  Wicca altogether, this handy guide by popular author Lisa Chamberlain covers all the basics, from creating your own magical garden to the gathering, harvesting, drying, and storing the herbs. She centres the spells around 13  herbs, most easy to find and inexpensive: basil, bay laurel, chamomile, cinnamon, dandelion, elecampane,  hibiscus, lavender, mugwort, nutmeg, rosemary, sage, and thyme. Because they’re primarily culinary and/or medicinal herbs too, you’ll have plenty of options for using the leftovers from your spellwork. The spells include magical teas, baths, and oils to smudging (more on that below), blessing, and healing rituals. 

Books Construction: 

The book is full of beautiful illustrations and the quality of the book was fantastic. I  love a good hardback with quality paper, what can I say, I am one of those people! It’s also a nice A5 size so good to carry around with you when you are out and about. 

Pages: Hardcover: 130 

#Witchytype Book Review: 

The Positives:

I was worried at first that the book would be very heavy on Wiccan practices but pleasantly surprised that whilst it did discuss wiccan elements, it was also a very informative book about using herbs in general.  

It focuses on 13 main herbs which is a great place to build upon your knowledge if you are just getting started and is also a great refresher book if you are experienced but need some herb magick inspirations. 

I loved how she went into the various ways that you can perform herb magick such as in cooking and in teas – I’ve even got inspired to revisit my tea-making practices by bringing in new blends.

The Negatives: 

As mentioned above, this book is great to use if you are wishing to learn about herbs and it doesn’t go too in-depth into the Wiccan side of practising but if you have strong issues with Wicca, and I am aware some do, then this may not be the best book for you. Otherwise, it’s a great little book to help you really get comfortable working with herbs. 

My one and only personal gripe with the book is the use of the word ‘Smudge’ and ‘Smudging Stick’ when discussing smoke cleansing. I know many people use this word but I personally prefer to refer to any form of herbal or natural wood burning cleansing as ‘Smoke Cleansing’ rather than Smudging, as that is a practice performed within a closed practice of some Indigenous peoples of the Americas. They use Sacred white Sage and hold a unique ceremony for the practice of ‘Smudging’ – so it is wrong to use it as a blanket term for smoke cleansing in general as they are two completely different ceremonies and we need to respect them both and appreciate when something is closed and sacred and when something is open for us to explore as a practice. Hopefully, later editions will tweak this wording. 

Overall? I highly recommend it and will read other works by Lisa Chamberlain. For those practising Wicca or seeking to start the path of practising Wicca then this is certainly a good investment for you but it’s also got lots of useful information for those wishing to learn general information on Herbs and their magickal uses. 

Cat Rating (yes, you read that right) 

3 out of 5 Cats

You can get the Book over at Amazon here which is also where I sourced my images from this post from. 

Have you read this book, what are your thoughts? I’d love to hear your feedback on the comments or on social, just make sure to use the #witchytype when discussing on social media. 

More books to come over the next few weeks but as mentioned above, if you have a recommendation, please let me know! 

As mentioned on my social channels: 




Until next time Coven, 

Witchytype Book Club: Ask The Authors Claire Askew & Alice Tarbuck

To celebrate the launch of ‘The Modern Craft’ Edited by Claire Askew & Alice Tarbuck and our fabulous giveaway*

The Digital Coven ‘Witchy Type Book Club’ are super excited to announce that we will be interviewing the fabulous Editors Claire Askew & Alice Tarbuck. Of course, as a coven we want to offer you the chance to ask them your question too.

If you have a question, you can let us know below in the comment, via email: digitalcovenuk@gmail.com or just fill in this form here and add your question: https://forms.gle/DhxhwRvhA3bp2QSL7

We will be sending over our questions on the 30th June 2022, so make sure to send us your questions before then.

About ‘The Modern Craft’:

Offering inspiring glimpses from the brink of the contemporary Craft, these essays show how anyone, no matter who they are, can find positivity and the force for change in the subversive unknown.

Dr Claire Askew is the author of three novels: All The Hidden Truths, What You Pay For and Cover Your Tracks. A fourth, A Matter of Time, is out this year. Also a poet, Claire’s second
collection How to burn a woman features voices from the European Witchcraft Hysteria. Claire’s accolades include the Lucy Cavendish Fiction Prize, a Jessie Kesson Fellowship and the McIlvanney
Debut Prize.

Dr Alice Tarbuck is a writer, author of A Spell In The Wild and academic specializing in witchcraft and environmental humanities. She has been featured in Nasty Women and The Dangerous Women
, and she has spoken on witchcraft at Scottish PEN, Freedom TV and the Arthur Conan Doyle Centre.

With courage, conviction, and a
fierce love and respect for the
craft, this fiery collection is poised
to spark vital conversations and
radical change in the world of
witchcraft and beyond.

Kristen J. Sollée, author of Witches, Sluts, Feminists and
Witch Hunt

Looking forward to seeing yoru questions, and make sure to continue the conversation over on our social channels.



Until next time, Stay dazzling!
