Deck Review: Daily Magic Deck by Maia Toll [Gifted] 

Emma shares her morning rituals as well as reviews the Daily Magic Tarot Deck [Gifted]

It’s easy to get caught up in the chaos of everyday life and to feel guilty about not connecting spiritually as often as you like. There are only so many ways that you can add a bit of magick to a corporate meeting room, right? This is why getting into the habit of performing small daily rituals can really help with maintaining some regularity in your witchcraft practice and provides a center for your day.

I personally like to do my routines first thing in the morning when I’m able (and life often gets in the way so please don’t think I have my life together) These practices include:

  • Morning Coffee & Cinnamon – Stirring some cinnamon into my morning coffee whilst I set my days intentions is a great way to bring some abundance and focus into my groggy mornings
  • Sneaky lil’ Meditation – I try to sneak a quick meditation – which doesn’t have to be longer than a few minutes to help clear your mind. If it’s one of those days then I’ll lay in bed and just clear my mind and plan the day for 10 minutes before I get out of the pit. 
  •  Pulling my tarot cards -Either a 1 or 3 tarot card pull each day to help guide my day. Journaling my tarot readings and patterns  is never a problem, as well, it’s kinda my job so it’s ingrained in me to do it…. but I do find myself staring at an empathy journal page from time to time if I am not using my tarot cards. 
  • Journaling – I feel the need to write throughout the day as the inspiration (and ADHD) flows but for some reason my morning journaling is a weak point if I don’t have a tool. 

Journaling being my soft spot  is why I was delighted to be gifted the Magickal card deck, ‘Daily Magic’ so that I could do a wee honest review.. I am never one to turn down a change to shuffle and pull a few cards and share my opinions so I grabbed my journal and got shuffling. 

Daily Magic:A Deck of Mystical Inspiration for Your Everyday Life

[This Deck was gifted to us for an honest review. There are affiliate links in this post please see our Reviews, gifting and affiliate page for more information]

About the Daily Magic:

Author Maia Toll, also author of ‘Letting Magic In’. 

Illustrated by Susan Burghart

Book Page: Daily Magic: A Deck Of Mystical Inspiration for Your Everyday Life

Description: Tap into your intuition and discover the magic all around you in this mini deck of mystical inspiration, featuring inspiration, mini-rituals and more from award-winning author Maia Toll.

Daily Magic Mystical inspiration deck

Product Review: 

Entitled the Daily Magic: A Deck Of Mystical Inspiration for Your Everyday Life, it certainly looks the part with fabulous shades of green being featured on the deck’s encasing.  The cards also have a gold gilded edge which does please me I won’t lie and it’s currently held up after a few weeks use so this is a good sign. 

Please note if you prefer the larger sized card decks or just have big hands that the deck is on the smaller side  (approx. 2 1/2 X 3″) – perfect for keeping in your palm or pocket and for traveling – which if you are anything like me (A swamp witch who carries a witchy version of a Mary Poppins bag) is a preferred criteria. Everyone likes their cards a certain way and we don’t card shame here.

The booklet is a few pages long, so short but sweet and features Maia’s advice on how to connect to magic in the modern world but doesn’t go too indepth into much detail therefore I’d recommend these cards for people wanting to learn more about spirituality who don’t mind having to research some of the areas that are mentioned on the cards, as well as other Magickal deck lovers. 

The cards feature instructions for spells that you can action over the Lunar Calendar as well as other tips and insights that can help encourage more self insight into your practice. 

The main attraction for me is that they serve as daily prompts to help build a magic routine. I found myself using them for meditating over my morning coffee as well as journaling prompts, which I appreciated on my more groggier mornings. The tips were useful and I have used a few in my practices which do earn brownie points. I have found myself still pulling from the deck, daily and I’ve since given them a home in a tarot bag that my niece brought me for my birthday. Packaging wise, I’d recommend getting a bag to carry your cards in as the packaging that the cards arrive in isn’t great for long term use. 

Example of the witch tips on how to supercharge your magic

Good for gifting?

Yes! – This type of deck makes the perfect gifts for anyone who has expressed an interest in their spiritual side or is openly witchy. They do mention some subjects which a novice may have to find themselves having to research so I wouldn’t recommend it for a beginner who wants a tool where they have everything they need right there and then. Overall, a lovely little gift to give to a friend (or yourself) that has long term use.  


  • A lot of good information and encourages further learning and journal prompts 
  • Large number of cards in the deck 
  • Travel sized .  
  • Gold lined and green hued cards feed my mermaid/pisces dopamine receptors.
  • Friendly tone of voice 


  • The Booklet could be a bit longer but you do get a lot of cards for the price
  • If you are going to use the cards regularly or travel with them, I’d recommend getting a carry bag or case for the cards to keep them in good nick. For light use the packaging is fine and will look pretty on the shelf.
  • If you’re a grumpy cynical person you may find some of the wording fluffy or whimsical at times 



Please note that there are affiliate links on this page. Check our reviews page for more information

Have you used the Daily Magic cards? If so let us know your thoughts down below in the comments or via our social channels. 

Until Next Time, 

Love, Emma 

@Bunnypudding (Tiktok) / @Bunnyscopes (Instagram)